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2000 Norwegian Majesty Bermuda Cruise

2000 Norwegian Majesty Bermuda Cruise

Black Falcon Cruise Terminal Black Falcon Cruise Terminal
Boston, MA Boston, MA

Cruising into St. George Parish, Bermuda Cruising into St. George Parish, Bermuda

St. George Parish, Bermuda St. George Parish, Bermuda

Approaching St George Parish, Ship ruins~St George Parish,
Bermuda dock Bermuda

The tugboat that pushed Dock at St George Parish,
the Norwegian Majesty Bermuda
Cruise ship into the dock

Norwegian Majesty Cruise St George Parish, Bermuda

Sign at the Unfinished Church Unfinished Church~St George
St George Parish, Bermuda Parish, Bermuda

Unfinished Church Unfinished Church
St George Parish, Bermuda St George Parish, Bermuda

Unfinished Church Bermuda Railroad Trail
St George Parish, Bermuda

St George Parish, Bermuda golf course St George Parish, Bermuda golf course
(Norwegian Majesty in the distance) (Norwegian Majesty in the distance)

Norwegian Majesty Cruise Ship Norwegian Majesty Cruise Ship

Norwegian Majesty Cruise St George Parish, Bermuda
Ship coastline near Railroad Trail

The Swizzle Inn~Hamilton Parish, Norwegian Majesty Cruise Ship
Bermuda at night

Alley near shops Carriage ride in
Hamilton Parish, Bermuda Hamilton Parish, Bermuda

Easter Service~St George Parish, Bermuda

Palm Tree Background by

Palm Tree Buttons and Lines by © Debbi Rapp

Swaying Palm with Coconut gif by

Pixelator Web Graphics

Animated sunset gif
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