A little about me. . .
Fav color - Blue
Fav band - U2
Hobbies - Sketching, reading,
Lucky Number - 9
Fav ST series - TNG
Fav ST aliens
- Romulans
Fav ST captain - Picard
Fav non-ST TV series - X-Files,
Alias, Nikita, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Stargate SG-1
Fav food - Anything chocolate,
Itialian, Mexican
Fav books - Lord of the Rings,
Jane Eyre, ST
Book I'm reading right now -
Crush - M
OK, OK. . .now I know this doesn't constitute 'scifi,' but you'll have to bear with me. I've got a LOTR obsession at the moment, and it may just last the rest of my life. I didn't want to throw this at the bottom of my site, so what better place than right, smack dab at the top! Presenting. . .Lorina's Lord of the Rings Corner! If you're not interested, scroll down to the scifi stuff. ;)
If I were a character in The Lord of the Rings, I would be Arwen, Elf, the daughter of Elrond.
You're Hoshi Sato. You're a likable person, but very skittish. High risk is not exactly good for your heart. Your best friend was a slug, but now that you left him on some planet back in the Whatsit system, you're trying to make friends with Mayweather.
Visit the best radio station in the world, Power 92. If you wanna win the cash, you gotta know the phrase that pays. "Power 92 plays today's best music, now show me my money!"
Star Trek: TV Series & Movies Photo Gallery
- Pics, MIDIs, links to other Star Trek sites, and more.
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