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.......and Welcome to my website. Do you want to hear the absolute truth? Yea? Okay. This site doesn’t get my full attention. I run Trek Mountains, which is an internet site about outdoors sports and travelling. Trek Mountains is what takes up “ a few hours of my life”. Okay, was honesty you wanted. I spend far too many late nights….or early morning working with Trek Mountains. This site, my very own personal, is created to make Trek Mountains a bit less personal.

So what can you find here??? Here I tell you all about me (oh I’m Malin, by the way), I post my personal photos, I write what I’m up to these days and other things I might feel like sharing with you.

So welcome to find out about “the world of Malin”...or maybe the world “according to Malin”.

Take care

Love M


Webmaster:Malin Andersson. Copyright ©Malin Andersson

Last update 2003-01-04