Welcome to the home of Di McCartin's J/C fanfic. We're glad you stopped by. You may have come across Di over at the Voyager Annex in recent months. Now we're glad to announce that she has her own website.
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Note #2: This site, especially this page, might look a little different if you're using a screen resolution of anything other than 800x600. However, the fic remains the same!
W... Is For Witch PG13 A bazaar (this is a pun) shore leave for our favourite command team…no, not Picard and Riker…
An Image to Remember PG13 Author’s Note: A response to Sally’s challenge to write a JC fic about THAT photo…you know the one… Sally's note: Let's just say I've seen better pictures of Robert Beltran than this one which was too hideous for words!
Betrayal PG-13 "If she doesn’t get out of there she’s going to be pulled in!" And then there was a blinding flash and she was gone.
The First Time PG-13 A camp fire, a precious memory shared, a revelation
Indiana Sun PG-13 An Endgame Fixer-upper
Love In The Delta Quadrant G A distracted Chakotay walks into Astrometrics while Kathryn is talking to Mark via sub-space.
Much Ado About Nothing PG-13 The Command Team go to great lengths to lull the crew into believing they're a hot item
Permission Granted PG-13 Pink slips and misunderstandings
The Portal PG-13
Quantum Flux NC-17 I was waiting for someone to write it for me…and ended up writing it myself. Janeway and Chakotay swap bodies…let the fun begin
Revelations of the Mind PG-13 Maybe there's a very good reason why Janeway has seemed shut-off from her emotions for so long?
Stasis Quo PG-13 Chakotay volunteers for a spell in stasis for the good of the ship, but Kathryn Janeway has a few things to say about that. (Two part story)
Tactics R Captain Janeway is sent back in time to protect the life of
her first officer, and discovers he knows a thing or two about
Truth or Dare R Champagne and chocolates, Chakotay in faded blue jeans, Kathryn itching to use some pale pink nail varnish and a game of truth or dare.
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