TITLE: Breakfast in Bed
SUMMARY: Response to my own Janeway ordering Picard around challenge
DISCLAIMER: Neither Voyager nor Next Gen belong to me… aw shucks!
“And don’t forget the coffee,” she called out after him.
“As if I could forget the coffee,” Jean-Luc thought.
Making breakfast for Kathryn was never an easy task. He’d had it easier dealing with Romulans in the neutral zone. First, you had to persuade her that she actually needed it. Once you had managed that however, she began to dictate exactly what she wanted. Eggs this way, toast that. Orange juice another. But always it was, “Coffee, black.”
In desperation, Jean-Luc had contacted her former first offer who had laughed when he’d heard of his predicament. He’d then sent him an entire file on how to prepare a suitable breakfast for Kathryn.
“And don’t forget the coffee,” Chakotay had told him.
Like he could really forget that!
He heard Kathryn calling him again.
“Jean-Luc. Where’s my breakfast? Good grief! You tell me not to move from this bed until I eat breakfast! Well, I’m still here and I’m getting hungry. And I need my coffee. Now!”
“Coming dear,” he forced out cheerfully, picking up the tray and heading towards the stairwell. Next time Kathryn could her own breakfast. Better yet, she could make it for him instead!
But then he got to the top of the stairs and was standing at the door to their bedroom. He watched her as she read data off of a PADD. Always working, he realised. She never seemed to get a break. In fact, since she’d got the promotion the reports had got even worse. He smiled. Better her than him. And if making breakfast for her was the least he could do, well, it was enough!