TITLE: SAYING YES... (Was gonna be called "Crazy Looks The Mirror's Sending Me These Days" after a couple of lines in an A-ha song... The Sun Always Shines on TV" but whereas A-ha like long titles I don't!!)
AUTHOR: Sally a.k.a. Saffron
SUMMARY: Chak’s thoughts on Seven asking for a date
DISCLAIMER: The characters belong to Paramount et al
Today was one of those life-affirming events, when you can look in the mirror and say, “I am alive.”
Now that I’ve got over the shock anyway.
The holoprogram wasn’t exactly something I didn’t know about. B’Elanna had asked me to look into a couple of programs that were taking up a large chunk of memory a few months back and that was one of the ones I found. B’Elanna doesn’t know it exists, just who it belongs to, and I decided to just let it be.
Truth was, I was flattered.
It’s been a while since anyone looked at me like that. Seeing that program was a bit of an ego-booster. Lately, life had become, well, mundane. Not in the running of Voyager. Hell, it’s been a stressful time lately where Voyager’s concerned. In my own life though. I get up, I report for duty, I save the captain from too much coffee, I finish my shift, I… the pattern goes on.
But now, an end.
I think I said yes, I’m certain I said yes. Damn! I hope I said yes.
When I woke up this morning I felt like an old man. And what I was feeling the mirror reflected back to me. Until today I was a crazy old man, languishing.
I feel alive now.
A beautiful, intriguing young woman, half my age, has found me attractive. I’d be a fool to say no to her. I’ll remember the way she approached me for the rest of my life I think. The Borg are never backward about coming forward as the saying goes. And although she is no longer Borg, she is still just as blunt. “I find you desirable,” she told me. “I wish to enter into a relationship with you.” In the middle of a debate about power resources for her astrometrics lab, no less. It threw me for a moment. No, more than a moment. I knew about the holographic program but I didn’t think she would ever cross that line between make-believe and real life. “Are you agreeable to this?” she then asked me. How could I say no?
Damn! I hope I did say yes.