Edge of Nowhere | ||
Why call this page Edge of Nowhere? | ||
Acting in Haste, Repenting at Leisure | Not everything goes the way you want it, but sometimes you may get a second chance | |
Adventures in Babysitting | Time in the holodeck with Miral | |
All's Fair In Love and Pencils | A graffiti artist is on the loose. Can s/he help Janeway find her way? | |
As It Should Be | A resident of the USS Enterprise can see how things should be, and it's not how they currently are | |
At the End of the Evening | At the end of a long day Chakotay does something nice for Kathryn. | |
A Battle Won | Evening activities for the senior crew. BYOP (Bring Your Own Pillow) | |
Benji | Love comes in many forms | |
Boosting Morale | Neelix’s latest home brew has a strange effect on the crew, including himself | |
Broken/Mended | With Kathryn injured on an away mission with him, Chakotay has to take charge of the situation, while keeping his own fears at bay. | |
Callin' My Name | "It's the sound of your voice, callin' my name" | |
A Can to Remember | A young boy has a gift for a Starfleet Academy graduate | |
The Captain and Mistress Kathryn | Visitors to Voyager cause an interesting situation. | |
Coffee and Computers Don't Mix | A problem for the Captain | |
The Confession | a drabble - diplomacy and something else. | |
Cooking Up Trouble | Kathryn’s loose in the kitchen, but it’s all for a good reason! | |
Daughter | A daughter's reflections | |
Dinner Date | A series of padd messages between the commanding officers of Voyager | |
Dinner Party | The commanding officers host a dinner party for friends and family | |
Dream Walkin' | A meeting remembered | |
A Dress of Any Other Colour | In answer to a challenge where Kathryn can wear a dress of any other colour except blue. Chakotay finally tells Kathryn just what he thinks she should be wearing! | |
Enigma | Kathryn Janeway’s thoughts after Chakotay asks a key question in Parallax. | |
Family Tree | Kathryn looks through an old family book | |
Firing Time | Tensions rise on Voyager | |
For Always | There's a wedding. | |
For the First Time | Sometimes life is not how you'd imagined it might be | |
For the Good of the Ship | Chakotay’s away missions are of great importance to Voyager. This stems from a conversation on the JanewayChakotay group and it took off from there. Set during Season 7, I guess you could call it my "Endgame explanation of sorts." I will admit that this is also slightly different for me. | |
Forwarding Him On | Make the craziest wish you can in response to an email forward and perhaps it can come true | |
Full Circle | Endgame... how it should have gone, from Kathryn's POV | |
Gently | Kathryn just wants to change out of Arachnia's costume. Chakotay's stopping her from doing that. | |
Getting There | A camping trip for Kathryn and Chakotay | |
Ghost in the Machine | Strange events on Voyager’s second mission results in a visit from Admiral Janeway | |
The Gift | Drabble - Chakotay doesn’t like birthdays | |
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow | Kathryn goes for a new look. | |
Heartseeking | Kathryn decides the time has come to change the way things are. | |
How the Deal was Made | The Enterprise shower scene, Voyager style | |
How To Get Stuck in a Turbolift and Still Come Out Winning! | Kathryn and Chakotay get stuck in a lift, again. But this time they’re prepared. | |
Human Frailty | One of Kathryn's worst nightmares is being realised and there's nothing she can do about it. | |
The Icing on the Cake | Tom Paris' latest plan backfires most unusually | |
Just A Date | Why is a simple date causing problems onboard Voyager? | |
Just Another Failed Mission | There's another shuttle down, and it has Voyager's commanding officers on board. Now they have to make it through the desert, in enemy territory. | |
Killing Seven | Two drabbles about killing off the borg! Part of the JanewayChakotay challenge - Oh, and for the anti-death-to-Seven faction... I've mellowed a lot since then! | |
Legend of Drunken Ancestor | What is the history behind Chak’s tat? | |
A Letter from Phoebe Janeway To Her Sister | Phoebe Adams, nee Janeway, takes a moment to write to her sister | |
Lightning Crashes | Caught in a Storm | |
Masterpiece | Reflective thoughts by both Kathryn and Chakotay on each other | |
A Memorable Mission | An away mission goes wrong. A JC tale from the view of Lieutenant Tom Paris. | |
A Moment to Remember | The events of Unforgettable prompt Chakotay to write his thoughts down and a conversation with Kathryn as well | |
Never Leaving | Drabble | |
Nothing to be Scared Of | A filler for the episode Nothing Human | |
One Weekend | On a camping trip with Tom and B’Elanna, Chakotay has some news for Kathryn | |
On Golden Bird | An unknown part of Voyager has Chakotay mystified, but it proves to be a vital part in his blossoming relationship with Kathryn. | |
The Pact | After the events of Endgame, Kathryn reminds Chakotay of an agreement that was made some years previously | |
The Path Chosen | A camping trip | |
The Power of One | One ship, one crew, one omnipotent being, and one first officer with a problem on his hands | |
The Proposal | Kathryn’s having problems replacing her original crew for a new mission. Chakotay has a few ideas of his own. | |
A Quiet Night In | All Kathryn wants to do is curl up under a blanket with a good book. | |
Rebuilding | A brief interlude on the planet of Chakotay’s birth | |
Reflections of the Water | After the events of Q2, Kathryn is able to return to her bathtub - alone - to do some thinking. | |
Regret | The end of a relationship means a change in another | |
Reputations | one final scene for the seventh season episode, Q2. | |
Reuniting | Ten years is a long time | |
Secrets Waiting to be Told | An episode addition to The Cloud. The senior staff is gathered at Sandrine’s and Chakotay is finding that he doesn’t know much about his captain at all. | |
A Sense of History | Chakotay’s built quite a collection of objects during his time on Voyager. On their final night onboard, Kathryn and Chakotay come together to sort through it. | |
Sevryn | The repercussions of a transporter malfunction bring to light the holographic program from Human Error. | |
Shattered... But Not Broken | During the events of the episode Shattered, Chakotay finds that it takes more than one attempt to get things right. | |
The "Something" Series Something into Nothing Nothing into Something Something into Everything |
The progression of a relationship | |
Storm Clouds Clearing | Chakotay has made some decisions regarding his life but will Kathryn go along with them? | |
The Struggle Within | Captain Janeway might have found a way home... but there's a strange condition to the deal (my first Voyager fic written) | |
Taking Home the Medicine Wheel | After Voyager returns to the Alpha Quadrant Kathryn has a favour to carry out | |
Talent Night | Consequences of someone’s appearance at Talent Night | |
A Taste of Leola | A Reunion | |
The Things She'd Do For Coffee | Kathryn’s on the coffee hunt... and things are getting desparate | |
This is the Time | A forgotten birthday present brings back memories and regret | |
A Thousand Miles | NEW! A sense of loneliness – set after Voyager’s homecoming. Angst warning. | |
The Train | Just a little problem on Chakotay's home planet, caused by Kathryn | |
Truth | It's Chakotay's birthday but the party isn't the only surprise | |
To Use or Not To Use | An important command decision to be made - a short essay on free speech *g* | |
Two Baby Fics | Written when Sally visited her beta, SaRa... they were challenged - they responded! | |
The Waiting Room | A challenge story involving five items | |
What it Takes | Seventh season Chakotay wonders over his lot in life | |
When a First Officer Needs to be More Than a Friend | Why did Chakotay not put in an appearance in sickbay after Kathryn returned from the Borg cube? | |
Who Dunnit | Harry is dead. Who killed him and how? The crew intend to find out. |