Want to get that first Voyager masterpiece written but would like a little help before you put it "out there" or maybe you're an established writer looking for someone to doublecheck your grammar? Then this is the place to come to.
The people on this list are willing to beta (proof-read) your Voyager fic for you. Please read their specifications carefully and NEVER send your work to them unsolicited. Please make contact with them first, explaining how you got their address and what you would like them to help you with. If you have a time frame, please let them know at this point as well, but do not take offense if they cannot help you at that particular point in time. Many of the people on this list have lives (*shock, horror*) and have families who would prefer them to live in the Alpha Quadrant at some point!
If you would like to be added to this list please complete the form at the bottom of the page or email me. Thanks.
Note to beta readers - if at any time you change your mind and no longer wish to be a part of this list please email me and I will remove you.
EMILY | J/C | happy endings, not too angsty | ANY | Contact me before sending your story please. | |
RALKANA | J/C, P/T, D/7, K/7 | Romantic, any length, no tragedy | ANY | Please email me before sending your work | |
HOLLY | J/C | all | all | - | |
LENA | J/C [No Slash] | Drama, short, and Romance | G-PG-13 | I love to read fan fic and I also love to write it. I do go to school so if you don't hear from me for a few day relax. I will get to you. | |
STEVE | All | All | All | - | |
TERESA | J/C, P/T | All | All | I am willing to BETA, and rating and any subject, I am not too fond of character death and rape fic, but I will BETA it. | |
ANVIAE | J/C, P/T, 7/D, 7/K, lower decks | romance or humor not to angsty | All | Just send them to me and I'll get back to you ASAP!. | |
JAELYN | J/C, P/T | all | all | - | |
TINA | J/C, P/T, J/Ayala | all | all | I love voyager, and love fanfic. I would be honored to read any. | |
SAM | P/T | All | G-R | Just send me your work and I'll try tp help you out | |
Catherine | J/7 | All | All | Send me your stories and I'll try to help out as best I can! :) | |
Saturn Cat | Will read & comment on C/P stories in entirety; will only accept questions involving other stories | All, but prefer happy endings | All | Prefer advanced writers. Can help flesh out ideas/plot twists, and give advanced or technical advice beyond simple spelling/grammar. Knowledgable in the sciences, anthropology, Sci Fi, Trek, etc. Good (IMO) w/ keeping characterizations true. Submit by pasting stories or questions into E-mail(s) w/ 'Title (Pt.1)', etc.; will not accept as attached file. | |
NAME/ALIAS: | |||||
COMMENTS: | |||||