Well, I don't know if you need any help with this one! It's a Black Widow Spider, one of
two extremely poisonous spiders we have here, the other being two types of Brown Recluses.
They are not necessarily aggressive unless provoked or guarding their egg sacks. Only the females bite by the way, the males are much smaller and non-aggressive.
The venomous bite of the Black Widow Spider causes muscle spasms and breathing difficulty in humans and
can be fatal if not treated. Several hundred bites are recorded in Arizona each year, so it's best to be safe and watch
for them in dark, quiet places such as barns, closets, grills, ect.
BRRRR! Though not dangerous to man, Tarantulas tend to give most people
the shivers. In my area, adults can have a legspan of about 4 inches. The ones
you tend to see wandering around are adult males looking to mate, or shortly thereafter.
They then wander off to die after mating. The female stays close to her burrow, rarely venturing
far from it. You can be bitten by one of these if you decide to handle it. If so, you should
let the wound bleed for a bit, then sterile bandage. The hairs that embed under your skin
can be very irritating or painful. These can be easily removed with some scotch tape.
We have many more unusual creatures in the Arizona Desert, as I research them, I'll be adding more fun, interesting facts and pictures.
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