Name: MOH_U454
Location: Scotland, UK
Favorite Aircraft: FW-190, Me-109 series
Timezone: GMT
Languages: English
Date of Inauguration: September 9, 2002
The crimson eastern sky dissolved slowly as sunrise flooded the vast expanse of Russian forest with an earthy orange glow. The air above the forest lay crisp and still. To the men on the front line all was quiet save the faitly growing drone of two lone aircraft. On the wing of MOH_ROTMILAN this day was the incomparable FW190 ACE, MOH_U454. A veteran of many great battles, U454’s presence offered tremendous assurance to FOX as they cruised across the sky in seek of opportunity. Both pilots eagerly searched the sky for possible BANDITS.
Finally, in the first light of morning U454 spotted the barely discernable dots of 3 aircraft silhouetted above the distant horizon, their direction of flight indeterminate. At U454’s signal, the two ACES slammed their throttles forward and climbed skyward, clambering for the heavens. Both instinctively knew what was soon to transpire. Each dot began to enlarge slowly into the distinctive shape of a Soviet aircraft, methodically inbound in expectation of opportunity at the front. U454 and ROTMILAN would be the reception committee. The men in the line counted on these two ACES and knew that each would do their best to see their comrades faith was well placed. Unexpectedly ROTMILAN's engine shuddered and came to a stop. Nothing he did would revive it. He signalled to U454 that he was bailing and popped open his conopy. ROTMILAN hit the silk and began his long slow descent. Friendly troops controlled the ground below so both knew all would end well for ROTMILAN. From his parachute, ROTMILAN looked back at his departing comrade and silently wished him godspeed.
Placing as much sky between himself and the ground, MOH_U454 grimly faced his reality. It was his lone FW190 against 3 Soviet Yaks. Apparently the Soviet planes had not yet spotted him, and they seemed transfixed by the now pilotless FW190 curiously spiralling earthward. The element of surprise was with him.
Using nearby clouds for cover, U454 carefully garnered his opportunity. The 3 Yaks cautiously continued unabated. U454 nosed his FW190A-8 and fell upon the trailing Yak. As he merged he released a volley of fire from his twin Mk108’s. The starboard wing of the rearmost Yak sheared from it’s fuselage. U454 furiously pulled on the stick of his 190, directing it again to the clouds which quickly enveloped him. Confused and in disarray, the two remining Yaks darted about. U454 again dived into the attack. His Mk108, 30mm cannons bellowed. Another well placed shot struck his opponents engine nacelle creating a huge burst of steam and oil smoke. U454 watched as the Yaks engine seized, telling him that the opponent posed no more danger. He now turned his attentions to the third Yak who had already latched onto his tail. In an evasive effort, U454 executed several quick scizzors. This offered him one quick snap shot at his foe. He squeezed the trigger and the BANDIT disappeared from view. U454 looped around to see his opponents plane cruising on a steady course. He rolled onto the BANDIT's 6 and made a pass close to the stricken Yak. There he discovered it’s canopy completely clouded with blood, the pilot obviously dead. U454 shuddered at the sight, realizing that one day he may face such an inglorious death.
Quiet and unassuming, MOH_U454 is one of the spectacular ACES that form the backbone of the MOH Esprit de Corps. A exceptionally solid pilot with unusual excellence in the FW190, U454 can be heavily relied upon to cover his wingman when things get hot. This pilot is one foe the enemy soon discovers is to be avoided at all costs. To be unexpectedly found in the MOH_U454 gunsight is to face certain destruction.
U454 in Action: #1