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Insignia Of The Cadet Corps

The official insignia of the Cadet Corps of the Armed Forces of the Philippines is composed of five different items - the helmet, the three stars, a sheathed sword, an oil lamp, and laurel leaves. Each of these represent or portray a meaning.

The Helmet - The decidedly enviable position it holds certainly bespeaks of the lofty military ideals of Courage, Integrity and Loyalty for which it is intended to stand. These words are embossed on the insigne and the repetition is engendered by the necessity of turning out men who are more vigilant in the role they are to play.

The Three Stars - Just like the Philippine Flag, the three stars represent the three major islands into which the country is divided - Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.

The Sheathed Sword - The sword itself stands for the military profession and its being sheathed demands that the pursuit of the Armed Forces of the Philippines should not be channeled to oppression or aggression. Moreover, the use of the sword to stand for military career necessitates the close adherence to the principles of gentlemanliness, a trait which characterized the sword player during the olden times.

The Oil Lamp - Education is best symbolized by the oil lamp. Intellectual enlightenment and development should be the paramount concern of military men. Through them a broadened horizon is achieved which spurs sane and logical decision.

The Laurel Leaves - These stand for honor. The Academy is a failure if it turns out men whose end is greed, for then, the means will be deception. If behind the facade of overwhelming honesty lurks a knavish monster, then the cadets have no right to be identified with the ensigne for they can not stand the final reckoning in the tribunal of public opinion.

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