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JUNY P. LA PUTT, Bsce, Ms, Pe

Since you decided to click on my name, I guess you wanted to know who I am. Well, allow me to briefly introduce myself then ... My name is Juny Pilapil La Putt or "The Hawaiian WebMaster" to my friends in cyberspace. I'm originally from the great and exciting cities of Cebu and Baguio in the Philippines. Currently, I am based in beautiful Hawaii which is now my adopted home state. I have been a resident of the City of Honolulu since immigrating in 1987 with my wife, Nena, and 5 kids - Tess, Al, Mike, Dolly, and Jenn. And yes, I do have grandkids, 2 boys and 4 girls whom I refer to us my "bundles of joy."

I'm a licensed professional civil engineer in the Philippines as well as in the State of Hawaii and I am affiliated with the American Society of Civil Engineers, Hawaii Council of Engineering Societies, and a number of other civic and technical organizations. Currently, I work for the City & County of Honolulu as a Building Official. I am a product of the Mapua Institute of Technology (Civil Engineering), University of the Philippines (Geodesy & Photogrammetry), and The Ohio State University where I completed my graduate studies (Geodetic Science) on a Fulbright scholarship.

Earlier, I was with the Corps of Engineers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and served with combat engineers in Mindanao which is in the southern part of the Philippines and also in South Vietnam with 1st PHILCAG-V (Philippine Civic Action Group-Vietnam). I've also been involved in teaching and was at one time a faculty member of the Philippine Military Academy, Mapua Institute of Technology, University of Baguio, and The Honolulu Community College. At the University of Maine at Orono, I was a Visiting Fulbright Professor where I also did research for my four books in Elementary and Higher Surveying which are now used as textbooks in schools and colleges of engineering in the Philippines. My other book, "Introduction to Computer Concepts," is also widely adopted.