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The ability to memorize is expected to be one of the salient qualities of a plebe's (freshmen or fourthclassmen) character. They are presumed to be walking encyclopedias, Websters, Bergeracs, and newscasters rolled into one. Plebes should know the day's menu, the latest news and virtually everything about his upperclassmen - from their serial numbers to the names of their pets. They must store in their memories a wealth of verse, poetry and "round-the-bush blubberings" of wisdom known as plebe knowledges and be able to recite all these verbatim as well.

These knowledges are mostly definitions or phrases which plebes are required to memorize by heart and answer snappily when asked by their upperclassmen. It sort of tests their presence of mind and trains them to react quickly by responding smartly with ready answers. Following are some Plebe Knowledges which our fellow Cavaliers and friends still remembered and contributed: