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The Philippine Military Academy is a unique institution as it is both a military as well as an educational organization. At the head of the organization is the Superintendent, who, in keeping with the dual nature of the Academy, acts both as a military commander and president of a school. He is assisted by four different staffs:

  • Personal Staff - Composed of the following: Public Information Officer, Aide de Camp/Administrative Officer, Staff Judge Advocate, Inspector General, and the Command Sergeant Major. They all report directly to the Superintendent. These staff officers provide assistance and support on matters pertaining to administration, academic and legal issues, evaluation of policies and programs, and affairs that involve the public.
  • Coordinating Staff - Composed of six Assistant Chiefs of Staff for Personnel, Intelligence, Operations, Logistics, Educational Plans and Programs, and Comptrollership. The Coordinating Staff is headed by the Chief of Staff.
  • Special Staff - Are the ones who see to it that policies and programs are properly disseminated, implemented, and complied with. It consists of the following staff officers: Academy Adjutant, Provost Marshall, Special Services Officer, Office of Cadet Admission, PMA Housing Administration, and the Command Chaplain.
  • Technical Staff - Are specialists who give advice on matters not within the scope of other staffs. It is composed of the following: Staff for Military Health Services, Staff Civil Engineer, Academy Computer Office, Communications/Electronics Office, and the Supply Accountable Office.

The Wide Support Units include the PMA Library, Fort Del Pilar Hospital, Dental Dispensary, and the Academy Integrated Dining Facility. The Philippine Military Academy has the following three major units:

This group is tasked with the mission of "implementing the academic portion of the Academy curriculum according to the standards prescirbed by the Academic Board." Its six departments are composed of both military and civilian male and female instructors. Headed by the Dean of Academics, it has the following seven departments:

  • Department of Managerial Sciences - This department is tasked with the following missions: (1) Provide the cadets with the fundamental knowledge of management functions, principles and processes that will help them in their decision making as managers of their respective units; (2) Train the cadets in effectively managing men and resources when they assume various assignments as part of their military career; (3) Provide the cadets with the working knowledge of the various specialized fields of management.
  • Department of Mathematics - This department is tasked with the following missions: (1) To plan, teach and continually update all mathematics courses required of a BS degree in the design of these course, coordination is made with the other scientific, engineering department of instructions; (2) To determine, plan, teach and continually update all mathematics enrichment courses; (3) To act as consultant to the command on matters pertaining to the fields of mathematics and its applications.
  • Department of Humanities - This department is tasked with the following missions: (1) To gain a mastery of the English Language for written and oral communication; (2) To know the foundations of today's ideas of the different aspects of modern civilization; (3) To know the valid foundation of proper human morality conduct and behavior in general or a Filipino in the new society in particular; (4) To appreciate the culture of other people through the study of some selected foreign languages; (5) To know the human literary expression and to know the development of the Filipinos.
  • Department of Physical Sciences - This department is tasked with the following missions: (1) To give cadets the basic principles and fundamental laws in the field of electrical engineering, electronics, physics and natural sciences; (2) To develop in the cadets the ability to analyze, to solve theoretical and practical problems in an efficient and orderly manner in the fields mentioned; (3) To develop in the cadets the proper use of various instruments with the application of basic laws and principles taken in these fields; (4) To prepare the cadets for more advanced studies after graduation.
  • Department of Engineering Sciences - This department is tasked with the following missions: (1) To teach the cadets the basic principles and concepts in the engineering sciences and at the same time to afford them the opportunities to apply these principles to true-to-life problems and situations; (2) To develop in the cadets a logical analytical way of thinking and reasoning; (3) To equip the cadets with the necessary practical knowledge of operation and utilization of military materials; (4) To develop the cadets with modern tools current techniques for decision making and engineering management.
  • Department of Social Sciences - This department is tasked with the following missions: (1) Provide the cadets with the knowledge for the understanding of social problems; (2) Develop in the cadets methods of scientific inquiry in the study and analysis of the dynamic forces of society; (3) Stimulate their awareness of the role they as citizens play in the new society; (4) Develop in the cadets skills and habits essential to their pursuit of a military career.
  • Department of Information and Computing Sciences - This department is tasked to: (1) Familiarize the cadets with the latest technology about computers and information technology; (2) To teach the cadets the most useful and applicable computer software and other common applications which will be useful in their future careers as military professionals.

This group is headed by the Commandant of Cadets and is responsible for the professional military training, character development, leadership, and physical training of the cadets. The mission of the Tactics Group is likewise carried out by the tactical officers who are responsible for the different companies of the Cadet Corps. This group is made up of the following departments:

  • Department of Leadership Development - The task of this department is "To instruct, train and develop the cadets so that each graduate shall possess the character, the professionalism and the aptitude required of a regular officer of the Armed Forces of the Philippines."
  • Department of Physical Education - This department is tasked "To equip the cadets with the basic knowledge and skills in sports, the required physical and motor fitness and the inherent values necessary for a future officer in the Armed Forces of the Philippines."
  • Department of Ground Warfare - The task of this department is "To train, develop and instruct each cadet the essential knowledge, attitude and basic skills in the art of ground warfare in order to prepare them with desirable character traits and leadership attributes vital to the army."
  • Department of Air Warfare - The task of this department is "To train and develop aviation cadets so that each graduate shall have the optimum knowledge and skills to perform his duties and responsibilities normally assigned to a squadron grade officer of the Philippine Air Force."
  • Department of Naval Warfare - This department is tasked "To train and instruct the midshipmen on the arts and sciences of the naval profession and develop their character and leadership traits to become effective officers of the Philippine Navy."

The Commandant of Cadets is assisted by the Deputy Commandant & Executive Officer, Adjutant & S1 (Administration and Personnel), S2/3 (Operations/Budget Training & Intelligence), S4/RSO (Logistics), and the S5 (Research & Evaluation). Also assisting the Commandant are the Group Sergeant Major and the Treasurer.

Headed by the Commanding Officer, this group is responsible for providing the support of all Command activities, programs, and projects undertaken in connection with the training of cadets. It is also responsible for the security of the entire camp and the management of military personnel assigned to the different units of the Philippine Military Academy.

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