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As I was about finishing to write my last ACF mail about the WORD as a regular posting, I stumbled on the latest issue of THE CAVALIER with The Cadet Prayer printed on the back cover. I believe this was not an accident.

The nice thing was when I started reading it aloud in my intention to probably reminisce, I felt a different kind of awe and wonder. This was because I discovered that I had recited it so many times--mostly by heart--as a plebe knowledge back in '78 with li'l meaning. But last night, I seemed to have found so much meaning in it as if I was the one who wrote it. Another good thing was most of the lines really apply to my present life now.

I hope you'd likewise find real sense in it--I mean, honest-to-goodness sincere meaning. Let me write it down for you here. Perhaps in reciting it again after so many years, you would recall good--maybe as well as bad--memories.

Godofredo "Fred" C. Utanes, PMA '82

Grant us, O God, that we may worship Thee to the utmost of faith and the limits of truth and suffer us not to fail to see the light of our true religion. Guide us that we may live this life to the fullest in devotion to Thee, in service to humanity and country, and in the realization of our true self. Let the light of Thy divine wisdom direct us to a firm resolve to live up at all times to the creeds of our institution and teach us never to fail to measure up to the ideals of the profession we have chosen through life to follow.

Make us do, or think or say of others that which we want done, or thought or said of us. Help us to live each day in the passing years in useful effort that our lives may be spent in accord with the pattern of our creeds - the true, the noble, and the high.

Give us that honest purpose in life which seeks fair deal with everyone and spurns all forms of hypocrisy that will enkindle our fighting faith, and smother all seeds of cowardice and fear in our hearts; the loyalty to our principles that place all issues above personal considerations, and shuns compromise with vice and injustice.

Strengthen our hearts with fortitude that we may discipline our lives to trail the difficult paths rather than stray on the easier ways. Teach us to aspire above the level of common lives. Help us to see all things in their true light that we may guard against frivolity in the sacred things of life even as we may enjoy in clean laughter its many delights.

Teach us to make our play in every game, whether in mere sports or life's mightier struggles, one where our desire to win is second only to our love of the game itself, where we triumph as considerate victors or lose with grace and determined will to win.

Endow our hearts with kindness that we may sympathize with those who sorrow and suffer; unite us in friendhsip with all and help us to share the merriment of those with cheerful countenance that we may partake of their joy. All of which we ask with faith in the everlastingness of Thine fount of grace to all men. Amen.

Our Father, we thank Thee for all the graces that we receive from Thy bounty. Cleanse our hearts and endow us with courage that we may follow the right path to Thy Kingdom, and that we may never lose the favor and reverence due Thee.

Suffer us not to flinch from the calls of "Loyalty, Courage, and Integrity": strengthen that bond of comradeship which now holds us together; keep us ever mindful of the noble traditions of our forebears that we may always keep them understand and beyond reproach; intensify our love for honesty which is the inherent requisite for a clear conscience; and to the weak and the oppressed, permit us to lend a helping hand.

May our religion be a true symbol of morality, and may Thy Divine guidance keep us ever conscious of the high ideals we pledge to uphold for the greater honor of the Corps and of our Country, and for Thy greater glory. Amen.

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