Commander Oakenshield, Major Phanan and Commander Barker all looked on at the three large vessels, one Ferengi, one their own and the other unidentified. Then Chu started to pick up the sub-space messages. [ISS Leviathan to unknown vessel, we are prepared to surrender what are your terms ?] The voice of Lieutenant ASHER came over the speakers. "Surrender. What is ASHER thinking of." Julia shouted. "Is he crazy ?" "Commander, we are disabled, floating in space. There are two vessels out there against the Leviathan. If he believes that surrender is the best option, then that is what his sub-routines will do." Chu replied. "Sub-routines. I'll have his entire programme decompiled for this." Julia threatened. "Commander, I think you should see who's on the unidentified vessel." The Major remarked from the operations console. Julia changed the view of her console to the communications channel. "Daimon Shia." She remarked. The three officers watched the exchange between ASHER and the Ferengi, until finally Shia made is demand. [I want restitution.] Shia replied. [As I said, Leggett owed me a lot of money and I think that your remaining supply of Dilithium ore would be enough to clear his debt. You have one minute to think about it.] "Greedy little troll." Julia remarked. [I will need to talk to the Captain.] ASHER remarked. [OK.] Shia allowed. [Captain Oakenshield.] ASHER started. [You've heard the Daimon's terms, do I accept or blast him out of the sky.] Whilst ASHER was talking to the Captain, Chu was looking at his own console, the signal they were receiving from the Leviathan had a second message. "Lieutenant ASHER, under no circumstances will
you surrender to these fools." Julia ordered, cutting off the
signal. "What ?" Julia asked. She looked up from her console to see not one but two Leviathans in the sky. One was where it was, the other right in front of them. The shuttle shook slightly as powerful tractor beams, which immediately started to pull the shuttle into the hanger bay, caught it in their grasp. Once safely inside, the Leviathan took off. They never saw what happened to Shia or his vessels, nor that moments after they had left the area, a Romulan warbird had appeared. |