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Go to guild HQ in Neopets!



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Guild chat


























This is the FAQ page which can be viewed from the guild forum so the side bar menu is not a completed one. Please go to our guild homepage to be directed to  the various site contents.

How can I remember the guild website for frequent visits?
What is Neopoints Savers guild about?
Why is the website code-protected?
Why sometimes after typing the codes I still cannot get into the site?
How to participate in guild activities?
How to get promotion / be a council member?
Which are the trusted guild accounts?
What can I do for the guild?
Where do guild donations go?
How to make donations?

Where is our guild banners?
What's the difference between Activities and Contests?

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How can I remember the guild website for frequent visits?
Save the trouble of writing down the address. Just go to 'Favourites' then 'Add to favourites' if you are using Internet Explorer Browser. Use 'Bookmark'  if you are using Netscape. It is advisable to bookmark the site for future updates. (Note: This is just the FAQ page, pleae bookmark the homepage instead)

What is Neopoints Savers guild about?
Having fun, help and share, contests, services like hospital, etc... We simply rulz! Remember our shortcut name for Neopoints Savers Guild is NPS, (not NSG or NPSG whatever).

Why is the website code-protected?
That is to ensure the privacy of our guild and make it a members-only area.

Why sometimes after typing the codes I still cannot get into the site?
The codes are case sensitive and you have to type two individual codes. First box pop-up, type 'NPS' and click OK. There will be a second pop-up box, which ask you for the site code. Site code is changed frequently, so be a member to get the code and sign up for the mailing list to be better informed. After that... well you are in the site, no more codes!

How to participate in guild activities?
Go to 'Activities' from the side bar of the guild webpages and simply follow the instructions of respective activities.

How to get promotion / be a council member?
As for council, you have to be at least a supervisor to apply. You also got to send in an application to see if you are qualified. Refer to 'Positions'.

Which are the trusted guild accounts?
nps_library and neosavertreasury

What can I do for the guild?
You can volunteers to take on positions with the commitment that you are up to it. You can also donate items or np to our guild treasury or simply help out and get more members to join.

Where do guild donations go?
To our treasury, which will make good use of the donations to help the poor, improve on guild's services and organise cool contests. In another words you reap what you sow, if you donate more, we will have more attractive prizes and better help for members.

How to make donations?
Go to 'Donations'

Where is our guild banners?
Under the side bar from the webpages, Guild stuff, Publicity. To put the banner up in your shop just copy the html below the banner and paste in your shop description.

What's the difference between Activities and Contests?
Activities are simply activity beneficial and specially designed for the interest of the guild members. While Contests are exciting events that requires competition among active guild members for prizes.

Any other enquiries, neomail cuetgem

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