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castle.gif (1868 bytes)NeoQuest Guidelupe_grassland.gif (1414 bytes)

Have you heard of the popular game of Neoquest? If not why not join in the fun now!

Maps navarrows.gif (7870 bytes) Monsters

Game tips

Introduction taken from Neopets:

NeoQuest is an adventure game that takes you through the world of Neopia as it existed 1,000 years ago. You play the role of a Lupe who has been transported back in time and must find his way in this mysterious and magical world.

The object of the game is to find out why the world has been overrun with vicious creatures and monsters, and put a stop to it. You must explore around the world to find out who is behind it all. Along the way, you will fight many monsters, gather items, and complete quests.

Each of your 4 regular NeoPets can have their own game within NeoQuest, so you can have up to 4 games running simultaneously. To change which game you're playing, simply change your active pet like you normally would. The premise behind NeoQuest is that your pet is actually playing a computer game, in which your pet is taking control of a white Lupe who has been transported back in time to ancient Neopia.

Exploring the World

You move around the world by using the 8 directional arrows to the right of the map. Sometimes you will encounter caves, ruins, and other places that you can enter or use. When this happens, you will see a "Go there" link appear above the directional arrows. Different maps have different visibility, so you may not be able to see as far inside a cave as you can when exploring the outside world.

Also, certain kinds of terrain are impassable and cannot be crossed. Mountains, water, solid rock, and stone walls cannot be moved onto or over; locked doors require a key in order to pass through them (and every door has its own key!).

Levels and Experience

All characters start the game at level 1. As you defeat monsters, you will gain experience points. After you gain enough experience points, you will gain a level. The maximum level you can gain is 50. Fighting creatures that are weaker than you will generally gain you less experience than fighting creatures that are closer to your strength.


There are also skills that you can choose to customize your character's fighting abilities. There are five skill trees; you can find out more about the skill trees by clicking here. You start the game with 7 skill points to assign, and gain another skill point every level. You will also start the game with a starting weapon, to enhance your combat abilities.


As you roam the world, you will randomly encounter monsters. When you are fighting a monster, you can choose to use your regular attack (blasting them with a beam of magical power); use one of your extra skills; use a healing potion; flee from the monster (if you do not want to fight); or do nothing at all. Once the monster's health drops to zero or below, it is defeated, and you will gain experience points and possibly items for defeating it. Monsters that are too weak compared to you will not grant any experience, though they can still give you items.

Your chance to encounter a monster as you roam the world is affected by your movement type. There are three types:

Normal - this gives you an average chance to encounter creatures on each step you take Hunting - this gives you an greatly increased chance to encounter creatures on each step you take, as you are hunting them down Sneaking - this gives you an greatly reduced chance to encounter creatures on each step you take, as you are trying to avoid them

You may change your movement type whenever you are not in combat, by clicking on the movement type above the map.

Healing Potions, Health, and Defeat

Any monster you fight has a chance to drop a healing potion when you defeat it. Healing potions can be used while you are wandering around, or in combat, to give yourself health back. If your health drops to zero or below, you will be defeated and will lose experience, so be careful not to let your health get too low!

Non-Player Characters

There are some NPCs (Non-Player Characters) scattered around the world who will give you information about this ancient Neopia, and some of them can serve other functions, like healing you or giving you quests. For example, they may ask you to collect a certain set of items for them, and turning in those items will gain you a reward. Be sure to talk to every NPC you see. Some NPCs will have additional things to say once you complete certain quests or defeat certain creatures.

Game Tips

While playing the NeoQuest, if you got sick of the long waiting time for it to load, open another window and play codebreaker or other np-earning games. You can earn and play at the same time.

To move quicker, click on the arrows navigator a few times. To attack faster, click on attack many times.

For newbies to this games, go to the training ground to gain experince and level, remember to set mode to hunting, it will help you find more opponents. The more you fight the more experience you got. You may also find items on creatures you defeated.

After getting some items, you can make yourself a basic armor at the central.

Go to the cave at about level seven, still set in the hunting mode, fight any creature you encounter in the cave. By the time you reach Xantan you will definitely be at least level ten with lotsa potion from the cave creatures, so you can have an easy fight.

Around tunnel corner, save steps using the diagonal moves button.

Before fighting Xantan, make sure you have gotten corroded rods from the metal devourer and also the glass and rotted cloth from the skeleton guards for making better armor. Because after you defeated Xantan, you will be transported back to cave entrance.

Go make yourself a better wand according to what you specialises in at Eleus with your metal rods. He will return you the Xantan ring after making the wand.

Each weak healing potion heals 12 and standard healing potion 32, so make sure you count your health point before using or you will waste some health point.

Get yourself fully healed at the top left building in Neopia Central with Boraxis.

Specialise in 2 skills, a defense and an attack ability is good:

Fire/Ice with Life (popular combination)

Fire/Ice with Spectral

Spectral with Life

Fire with Shock etc...

Fire and Ice are attacks, Shock and Life are defense. Spectral can be defence and sometimes reflect enemies's attack back to them. Life is especially useful and heals you or even resurrect you. Here is a description of each taken from

Fire Magic
This is the magic of violence and destruction, harnessing the powers of flame to burn your opponents down where they stand. Fire Magic focuses entirely on causing offensive damage.

SKILL: Fire Weapons
DESCRIPTION: Attacks with Fire weapons have an increased chance of doing a single extra fire damage attack each time you hit. A higher skill means a greater chance of gaining the extra hit, and a greater amount of damage done with the hit.

SKILL: Firepower
DESCRIPTION: The Firepower skill causes your successful fire-based attacks to do more damage. This includes ALL fire damage attacks, such as attacks done by the Fire Weapons skill, Fire Ball, weapons with fire-based special powers, and fire-based damage shields. A higher skill means more damage.

SKILL: Fire Ball
DESCRIPTION: Every several rounds, you can cast a Fire Ball instead of attacking normally. The higher your skill in Fire Ball, the more damage the Fire Ball does, and the more often you can cast it.

SKILL: Wall of Flame
DESCRIPTION: Every time your opponent hits you, they take fire damage from a wall of flames. A higher skill means the wall does more damage.
Ice Magic
This is the magic of freezing and slowing, bringing the forces of frost to bear on your opponents in order to strike them and slow them down. Ice Magic focuses mostly on causing damage, with some disabling ability.

SKILL: Ice Weapons
DESCRIPTION: Attacks with Ice weapons have an increased chance of doing a single extra ice damage attack each time you hit. A higher skill means a greater chance of gaining the extra hit, and a greater amount of damage done with the hit.

SKILL: Heart of Ice
DESCRIPTION: Your attacks have a chance of 'freezing' your opponent, preventing them from using their regular attack that round. Special attacks and abilities are not affected. A higher skill means a greater chance of success.

SKILL: Snowball
DESCRIPTION: Every several rounds, you can cast a Snowball instead of attacking. A higher skill means that you can cast the Snowball more often, and it will do more damage.

SKILL: Glacier Strike
DESCRIPTION: A Glacier Strike is a charged attack that takes three rounds to execute, but does several times normal damage! If you attack while a Glacier Strike is charging, the Strike is canceled (you can still use special abilities). A higher skill means a greater chance of hitting once the Glacier Strike goes off.
Shock Magic
This is the magic of stunning and disabling, using the power of lightning to disable and confuse your opponents. Shock Magic focuses on stunning and disabling opponents, with some defense.

SKILL: Shock Weapons
DESCRIPTION: Attacks with Shock weapons have an increased chance of stunning your opponent each time you hit. The stun lasts for 1 round. The higher your skill, the greater your chance of stunning your opponent.

SKILL: Disable
DESCRIPTION: Your attacks have an increased chance of reducing your opponent's defensive ability. A higher skill means that your opponent's skill is reduced by a greater amount.

SKILL: Fortitude
DESCRIPTION: You become more resistant to heat, cold, and stun. The higher your skill, the more resistance you get.

SKILL: Shockwave
DESCRIPTION: Your attacks have a chance of doing a Shockwave, causing your opponent damage and stun. The higher your skill, the greater your chance to hit, the more damage the Shockwave does, and the longer the stun lasts.
Spectral Magic
This is the magic of defense and protection, increasing your ability to avoid taking damage and mitigating the damage that you do take. Spectral Magic focuses on defense, with some counterattack.

SKILL: Spectral Weapons
DESCRIPTION: Your defensive ability is increased while you are wielding a Spectral Weapon.

SKILL: Evasion
PREREQUISITE: Spectral Weapons
DESCRIPTION: You have an increased chance of evading physical attacks entirely.

SKILL: Absorption
DESCRIPTION: When used, this skill causes your opponent's next successful melee attack to, instead of damaging you, heal you slightly. The higher your skill, the more damage you heal. If you do not absorb within 5 rounds of using the skill, it wears off and you will take regular damage, so keep track!

SKILL: Reflex
DESCRIPTION: This causes your opponent's damage to be reflected back on them. The higher your skill, the higher your chance of success.
Life Magic
This is the magic of regrowth and healing, continuing the cycle of life as you make your way through the world. Life Magic focuses entirely on healing.

SKILL: Life Weapons
DESCRIPTION: This skill causes you to have a greater chance of healing as you walk around. The higher your skill, the greater your chance to heal, and the more damage you heal. In addition, healing potions are more effective if you have this skill.

SKILL: Field Medic
DESCRIPTION: This skill gives you a chance to regenerate hit points every combat round. The higher your skill, the more points you regenerate. ------>continue...
SKILL: Lifesteal
DESCRIPTION: Every time you hit with your regular attack, a fraction of the damage you do is returned to you as health. The higher your skill, the more damage you heal when you hit.

SKILL: Resurrection
DESCRIPTION: When your health reaches zero, there is a chance you will be returned to life at 50% of your full health instead of dying. The higher your skill, the better the chance of being Resurrected.


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