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Pensacola Volksmarch Club


What is Volkssport?

About Us

Upcoming Events

Year 'Round Events

Photo Album


Trail Tales



IVV - Der Internationale Volkssportverband /
International Federation of Popular Sports /
Fédération Internationale Des Sports Populaires.
Frequently-Asked Questions
At the Website of the IVV.
AVA - American Volkssport Association
Includes links to other Volkssport Clubs in the US.
What Is Volksmarching / Volkssporting?
Answers to all your questions about this great, non-competitive sport! Includes definitions of volkssporting terms. From the Website of the AVA.
AVA Printed Publications
Printed resources available for purchase.
AVA CafeShop Store
Shop for handy items that proudly bear the AVA logo. All products bring income to the non-profit American Volkssport Association to support its program of great walking events throughout the USA, at no cost to the AVA.

Upon checkout, in the "notes/instructions" box, type in the four letters of COLA so our club may receive a 5% donation from Volks-Ware.

FVA - Florida Volkssport Association
Find any Regularly Scheduled Event and many Year 'Round Events in the State of Florida. Includes the FVA's list of YREs called Walking Florida State Parks. The FVA's Website has earned the AVA's award.

Foot Florida and Beyond!
This is a printed pamphlet covering events in the AVA's SouthEast Region (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee). It is sent via US Post. Clubs and individuals may subscribe for $10.00 a year - five issues. Email Bev McNeill for details.

Downtown Pensacola
Lists cultural and other events held in Downtown Pensacola. From the Downtown Pensacola Improvement Board.

Walking at
Walking at, by Guide Wendy Bumgardner, includes several categories of annotated links, a chat room, an e-newsletter, a discussion forum, original articles, walking email cards to send, and her email address for personal help in finding what you're looking for on the Web. Upon registration as a member, you get your own personal Web page with tools to build it, and Web-based email. All free!

Walklist: An Email Discussion Group
Walklist is a free email list for anyone who would like to stay in touch with other Volkssport enthusiasts across the US.

AVASE: An Email Discussion Group
This free email list covers Volkssport issues in the SouthEast Region of the US: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee.

Hike with Your Dog!
Group hiking tours that welcome your canine walking companion. Also direct links to more than 2,000 dog friendly parks, dog regulations for national parks in the US and Canada, and an invitation to share stories of your favorite hikes with your dog with others.

Fitting Designs, Inc.
A unique resource in Pensacola for prosthetics and orthotics with a Certified Fitter to assure the right product and the right fit for your needs. The company is owned by Sara and Cheryl Gardner, members of the Pensacola Volkssport Club.

Pollen Reports and Forecasts for the Pensacola Area
Do environmental allergies dictate whether or not you'll be able to take a walk outside? Check-out this Website.

American Naturalists
Two great naturalists who helped ensure the preservation of America's natural wonderlands. At the Website of the FVA.

This site is a member of WebRing. To browse visit here.
gold bar 4YEO
AVA graphic courtesy
American Volkssport Association
IVV graphic courtesy
Der Internationale Volkssportverband