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Pensacola Volksmarch Club


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Annette Baisden

July 13, 2002

Picnic and Meeting with Installation of New Officers

These glass sun catchers were a part of the installation of officers.

With some special words to each new officer, Nell Doyel reviewed the duties of each office, presented a challenge to each new officer, and had also presented each officer with a handmade glass sun catcher she made.

Each sun catcher represents the duties of each office.

CLICK HERE to see and read about each one!


Jean Callis, our new President, receives the illustrious gavel from outgoing President Dick Wonson!

(Who is that man with the hat in the background and just what is he doing?)

Polly and Dick Wonson, Outgoing Presidents, proudly hold gifts of monogrammed glass mugs from the club!

(There's that man with the hat again . . . what is so important back there?)

Aha! It's Marty Lorenz! He's working hard as "Chef of the Day," busy cooking up orders to please!

The Pensacola Volksmarch Club's 18th Birthday Cake!

Two members (and officers) also had birthdays on the day of the party!: Julia Turner and Pat Skaggs.

Cutting the cake for a sweet treat!

Left to right:

Dick Wonson
Julia Turner
Jean Callis

Jean! What kind of piece do you expect to get?

The group enjoying dinner and birthday cake!

Polly Wonson is wearing a white shirt with back to the camera.

To Polly's left sits Jean Callis.

Facing camera in sunglasses and yellow top is Cheryl Gardner.

Behind Cheryl sits Dick Wonson, Outgoing President.

And on the right edge of the photo, with her tanned back close to the camera, is Wilma
Scofield, at whose home the party was held.

Thanks, Wilma!

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