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Annette Baisden
November 1, 2003
Monroeville, Alabama
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Folks from Northern Alabama
to Pensacola, Florida enjoyed this event in Monroeville, Alabama
organized by our AVA Southeast Regional Director (SERD) Dennis
Michele, and sponsored by the Monroeville Chamber of Commerce
and its Police Department.
Start Point for this Volksmarch: The
new Monroeville City Hall.
Dennis, Michele, and Becky are seen standing
in front of the gracious building.
PVC walkers Paulette, Annette,
and Nell in front of the Monroeville Historic Court House |
A gorgeous Queen Ann style
home over one hundred years old just off the Town Square |
Gazebo and rose garden on
the grounds of the Court House in the center of the Square |
More photos of November 1, 2003, Monroeville,
Alabama --->
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