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First Annual 
Talent Search 2000

Original Song Winners
Missinippi Compact Disc

Pukatawagan is a small Northern community in Manitoba
that has taken the initiative to host an annual talent contest.
Because their first year had an overwhelming response
it will now be an annual event.
Gordon Caribou and his associates have organized a spectacular venue where
1st nation artists can make their initial introduction into the music industry.

The response from the winners has been most gratifying since
they had a chance to travel into Winnipeg to
record their songs at a state of the art recording studio.

All talented individuals are encouraged to enter the upcoming
"Search for Talent:" contest by calling

Best of Luck!


The Ballad of Pukatawagon
by Sidney Castel

The community where I was born and raised the little bit of
history of Pukatawagon the lifestyle and events that take place in a Northern community. "I thought they could use this song to play on the community radio program. To also use the song as a theme in some events and hear the history of Pukatawagon."

Hitch Hiking Song
by Lorna Chadney
"I really enjoyed singing with the band, the setup was nice and my stay here in 
Winnipeg was awesome. 
I hope the next contest would be just as much fun as the first".

Beautiful Rose
by Barbara A. Dumas / Marlene Dumas

Dedicated to my sister Rose, who passed away years ago from Breast cancer. 
"My main interest  is to sing gospel music. My parents both sang for the church 
and other church functions. The encouragement to sing comes from them".

Indian Song
by Alfred Bear / Shona Bear

The song features the life of an Indian. The song explains the connection of the circle of life. Mother earth and nature provides us with what we need to live. 
We are guided by grandfathers. This will always be passed down to our children. 
The song was written and inspired by a husband and wife, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Bear (Shona). They have 8 children.

I Miss You My Old Friend
by Arnold Henderson / Sheila Henderson
Through the loss of a good dear friend, Ed, without cause or reason, still he will be sadly missed.

Dreams Come True
by Arnold Henderson
Being on stage, performing and entertaining a crowd. 
"Never been so welcomed, treated with what we as entertainers would like to be treated. I welcome other singers and encourage them to participate in the upcoming talent search".

True Friend
by Michael Wiehe

Inspired by my girlfriend, true forever for the guidance of life.

I Can't Help It
by Charlie Beardy

"Tansi, my name is Charlie Beardy I am from Split Lake, MB. 
I love playing music and writing songs. As for my original song,
it was just a party song. I never thought I'd get the chance to record it, 
so thanks to M.R.N.C.I. for setting up the recording".

Recorded @ Platinum/Gold Studios Winnipeg, MB (subsidary of Sunshine Records)
Recording Engineer: Daniel Natya
Executive Producers: Gordon Caribou, c/o Missinippi River Native Communications Inc.
Assistant Producers: Robert Sinclair (Radio Robert) and Connie Constant
Coordinators: Irene Baker and Trevor Sinclair

Board of Directors:
Shirley Castel - President ~ Brian Bighetty - Secretary ~ Raymond Jorgenson - Marketing ~ Barbara Sinclair - Member ~ Sylvia Caribou - Member ~ Solomon Linklater - Member

Special thanks to all the people involved in making this dream a reality!

Copyright Sunshine Records Ltd. (The Sunshine Group)
Manufactured and Dist. in Canada by: Sunshine Records
275 Selkirk Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba  R2W 2L5
Phone: 204.586.8057    FAX: 204.582.8397
Email:    World Web:
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Webpage Design by
Bill Hillman
Bill & Sue-On Hillman Eclectic Studio