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INTERNET FOR EDUCATORS.........................STUDENT NAME:______________________
MID-TERM EXAM (Due date: April 2, 2002): FIRST TERM MARK EXPECTED: _____/100

Directions: For each of the 10 Portfolio/Anthology themes, indicate the mark (low = 0 to high = 10) that you feel you have earned. You must then defend that mark with a detailed description of the number, quality and degree of completeness of your theme entries. Also consider the quality of the work you have keyed into your WorkWeek files or Web pages. Be prepared to show and defend your work to instructor and/or class. For a more detailed defence of your expected mark please attach a separate sheet.
1. PERSONAL RESUME: Mark Expected ____/10 . . .  Why? Consider: Number of entries? ...followed suggested format? ...transferred to Work file or Web page? Thoroughness? Indicate number of 1.1 pages: ____


2. GLOSSARY of Relevant Terms: Mark Expected ____/10 . . . Why? Consider: Number of entries? ...usefulness (relevance to course)? Indicate number of 2.1 pages: ____

3. TOPIC I: Use of the Internet in Education: Mark Expected ____/10 . . . Why?
Consider: Amount of research time put into this? ...number of entries? ...thoroughness of writing? ...references ...description of actual classroom techniques observed in this course? Indicate number of 3.1 pages: ____

4. TOPIC II: Aboriginal Issues and/or Native History: Mark Expected ____/10 . . . Why?
Consider: Amount of research time? ...number of articles? Indicate number of 4.1 pages: ____

5. TOPIC III: Life in Northern Canada: Mark Expected ____/10 . . . Why?
Consider: Amount of research time? ...number of articles? Indicate number of 5.1 pages: ____

6. TOPIC IV: Discussion themes from Writing Generator handout: Mark Expected ____/10 . . . Why? Consider: Amount of research time? ...number of articles? Indicate number of 6.1 pages: ____

7. WEBSITE REPORT: Review & List of Web Site Addresses: Mark Expected ____/10 . . . Why? Consider: Amount of online research/"surf" time? ...number URL addresses and reviews? Indicate number of 7.1 pages: ____

8. E-MAIL ADDRESSES: List and description of significant e-mail addresses PLUS Front Page collage of Portfolio: Mark Expected ____/10  . . . Why? Consider: Amount of research time? ...number of addresses and descriptions? ...your own degree of proficiency in using e-mail programs. Indicate number of 8.1 pages: ____

9. INTERNET DEVELOPMENTS ...PLUS Back Page collage of Portfolio: Mark Expected ____/10 . . . Why? Consider: Amount of research time? ...number of articles? ...descripton of techniques observed in class? ...your own degree of proficiency on the Internet. Indicate number of 9.1 pages: ____

10. "HELPS" SECTION: Mark Expected ____/10 . . . Why? Consider: The size of your collection of everyday or special commands, helps and hints, and shortcuts in the use of Web page construction, Microcomputers, CD-ROMS, Internet, programming, file organization, and technology in general. Indicate number of 10.1 pages: ____