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Journalism Assignment – News Story Criteria
News Story Guidelines
Refer to the Canadian Press Stylebook
Write a 400 word newstory based on a local event: i.e. Winter Games ~ Winter Road ~ Environmental Concerns, etc.
*___ Does the first paragraph include the 5 Ws?
___ Except for quotes, are facts presented objectively, without opinion?
___ Is the article full of interesting information?
___ Is coverage of the story thorough and complete?
___ Is the story entertaining?
___ Is there a variety of grammatically correct sentence structures?
___ Is word choice precise?
___ Spelling
___ Vocabulary
___ Are people or sources meaningfully quoted?
___ Punctuation Around Quotes
___ Other Punctuation
___ Silly, Sloppy, Shameful Errors (see below)
* 1-very weak 2-weak 3-OK 4-quite good 5-exceptional

Silly, Sloppy, Shameful Errors
Sp Spelling error Q Questionable: support with evidence
ITS It's=it is; its=possessive ? Meaning unclear
AL Misspelled "a lot" or "all right" Vg Vague
Ap Apostrophe needed: POSSESSIVE Th Connection to thesis or theme unclear
NA No Apostrophe: PLURAL REL Relevance?
SUB if... were, wish...were (subjunctive mood) Ev Evidence needed to support interpretation
Inf Use of "I" or "you" too informal for a formal essay BS Animal excrement
Goo Baby words Com Combine
Awk Awkwardly phrased R-O Run-on sentence
Pres Use present tense: Plot never changes SF Sentence fragment
D Dangling: re-position Tr Transition needed
LP Lack of parallelism PP? Point of paragraph?
Rep Repetitive PSI Paragraph structure illogical
PS Plot Summary: unnecessary & waste of time Ill Handwriting illegible
INQ Commas and periods belong inside quotation marks Dev Important. Develop.
MIS Misleading MEN Mention in 1st paragraph.
WON Write out numbers SP Inconsistent: Singular … Plural