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The First Steps in Recovery

Serenity Prayer

Third Step Prayer

Seventh Step Prayer

12&12, Page 99

A New Day

No amount of human willpower could break it!

They said that if you dip a cucumber into vineger and pull it out, it is still a cucumber. But if you soak it in vineger it will turn into a pickle, and once a pickle always a pickle.

They said that I developed an allergy to alcohol, and all it took was one drink to trigger a round of compulsive drinking. They told me too that knowledge alone would not keep me from picking up the first drink.

They said that in addition to having an alergy to alcohol, I had a mental obsession that compelled me to pick up the first drink. I did? Well, what about the way the bottles in the liquor store would talk to me, and how the invisible hands would try to pull me into the bar as I walked by? And what about those drunk dreams, or those times when thinking of drinking still seemed like a good idea?

They also said that probably no human power could relieve me of alcoholism (the mental obsession to drink), but that God could and would if he were sought. The good part was that I did not have to find God, all I needed to do was to seek God.