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ST: The Lives of Dax MiniPedia

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The Star Trek: The Lives of Dax MiniPedia The ST: TNG Diplomatic Implausibility MiniPedia


ETS - acronym for the emergency transporter suit. (‘Infinity’)

EVA suits - environmental protections suits. The Romulans wore EVA suits and personal thruster units to board the Heisenberg. The suits had armored gloves and mirrored visors, hiding their appearance. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Earth - the third planet of the Sol system, home planet for the human race. Ezri Tigan’s first encounters with Earth came from a classic holographic simulation of an African veldt, complete with animals. (‘Second star to the right...’) The Defiant had been its way back to Deep Space Nine from Earth when the Symbiosis Commission contacted Jadzia Dax about her sister Ziranne’s Joining. (‘Reflections’)

eight of clubs - when Tobin Dax was trying to trick Skon, the eight of clubs was the first card the Vulcan picked. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

eight of spades - when Tobin Dax was trying to trick Skon, the eight of spades was the third card the Vulcan picked. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Emergency Medical Holograms - holographic medical assistants that can be used aboard starships and starbases in cases of emergencies, designed by Doctor Lewis Zimmerman. In 2375, they were becoming more common throughout Starfleet. (‘Second star to the right...’)

emergency transporter suit - bulky, mesh-lined suit and helmet that Captain Torias Dax would have to wear during his test flight of the Infinity. He had been required to spend time in the suit, to get used to it so that his reaction time would not be slowed down. The ETS was basically an updated ejection seat – a pattern enhancer designed to relay homing telemetry to a transporter aboard the Excelsior in case anything went wrong with the transwarp tests. (‘Infinity’)

Empath mime - one whose art consists of the creation and projection of emotion. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

encounter suits - the earliest versions of what would become holosuite technology, Ezri had Tobin’s memories of the bulky suits, the sensory helmets, and the clumsy feedback gloves. (‘Second star to the right...’)

End program - the verbal command used to stop holodeck programs. (‘Second star to the right...’)

endocrine - the secretion of the endocrine gland. According to Doctor Bashir, Ziranne’s neurotransmitter and endocrine levels were off the map, and Duhan Vos took that as a sign that she was rejecting the symbiont. (‘Reflections’)

engineering officer - a member of the Heisenberg’s crew, Skon spoke with him about designing ships with detachable modules after their escape from the Romulans. The officer tried to lighten the mood after Tobin Dax told Skon what had happened to the fourth Romulan. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

engineering section - a portion of the Heisenberg that was separated from the habitat section by a safety junction with blast doors and heavy shielding to protect the ship in case of radiation exposure. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

escape pods, the - to prevent escape, the Romulans jettisoned the Heisenberg’s escape pods. (‘Dead Man’s Hands’)

Excelsior, USS - a large Starfleet vessel, the first of its class, under the command of Captain Styles. Torias Dax and Nilani Kahn had quarters aboard the Excelsior while it was in Spacedock in orbit of Earth. The Infinity transwarp shuttle was kept aboard the Excelsior before its test flight. (‘Infinity’)


FTL drive - faster than light drive, it was believed that the humans’ ability to travel faster than light was what saved them from the Romulans. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Federation, the - the short name for the United Federation of Planets, it was founded eighty-five years before the seventeen year old Leonard McCoy attended Ole Miss. (‘Old Souls’)

Felix - a friend of Julian Bashir’s, he designed the Vic Fontaine/1962 Las Vegas program. (‘Second star to the right...’)

fern - after Mehta Bren’s murder, the killer had adjusted the heat in the apartment, as well as trimming and watering the dying fern she had kept hanging in her bathroom. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

fidget - a Terran word for being too nervous. Captain Monsees gave Tobin Dax a deck of cards and a book of tricks to keep his hands busy. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

field docent - the joined Trill who evaluate initiates, and recommend whether or not they should be joined. It was not uncommon for a field docent to visit a joined Trill that had once been their initiate. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

Finok, Brinner Ensign - unjoined male Trill onboard the USS Destiny with Ensign Ezri Tigan. After the Dax symbiont was brought onboard, a Founder replaced him. Before the crew found him in a medical stasis field, Ensign Tigan was joined with the Dax symbiont, since she was believed to be the only Trill still onboard. (‘Second star to the right...’)

first contacts - the first meetings between two alien races. The Trill lacked experience with first contacts. ('First Steps’) Ensign Benjamin Sisko’s first ‘first contact’ occurred while he was at Pelios Station, when the Azziz ship docked. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

First Screening - a Trill cultural celebration that takes place on the twelfth birthday; almost every Trill goes through with this custom of submitting preliminary screening tests to determine fitness to be a host. (‘Second star to the right...’)

flask - Vic Fontaine carries a silver flask with a brand of Earth brandy inside his jacket pocket. (‘Second star to the right...’)

flopsweat - a Terran name for an uncomfortable, nervous condition that Tobin Dax often felt, it included having sweaty armpits. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

fluid test kits - equipment packed by Jayvin Vod and Audrid Dax before leaving aboard the Tereshkova to investigate the bioelectric signatures coming from the comet. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

Fontaine, Vic - a period-specific sentient holographic program modeled after a 1962 Las Vegas lounge singer. He has an unlined face framed by silver hair, and is almost always dressed in a tuxedo. (‘Second star to the right...’)

food slot - in the guests’ quarters aboard the Excelsior, food slots were available. A meal could be dialed up, and several dishes could be available in a few minutes. (‘Infinity’)

force, a - in card tricks, a force is when you make someone choose a particular card. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Founder - the race of shapeshifters that controlled the Dominion. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Frank - a popular singer from 1962. When Ezri Dax told Vic Fontaine that he was a good singer, his reply was that he wasn’t as good as Frank. (‘Second star to the right...’)

French bistro, the - the only French restaurant in Oxford, Mississippi, Leonard McCoy took Emony Dax there for their dinner date. She ordered the escargot appetizer and sautéed sweatbreads for a main course while he had vichyssoise and veal in a buttery herb sauce. (‘Old Souls’)


Ganses Peninsula - located on Trill, Verjyl Gard had studied the files from Jelim Niecta’s autopsy in the flyer as he traveled over the peninsula. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

Gard - a centuries-old symbiont whose hosts were especially groomed by the Symbiosis Commission to deal with threats caused by joined Trills. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

Gard, Kirista - one of Gard’s previous hosts, Kirista had been a soldier who killed the one of the four known joined Trill murders ninety years before Joran Dax. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

Gard, Verjyl - joined male Trill, he was used by the Symbiosis Commission to track down a joined Trill serial killer, Joran Dax. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

genetic manipulation - advances in this area to enable crossbreeding and interspecies marriage were shown to the Azziz, and impressed them enough for Sh’tan to think that diplomatic relations between the Azziz and the Federation could be possible. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

Gheryzan - city located in Trill’s eastern hemisphere, Ziranne arrived at a hospital there, and the doctors learned that despite her medical records to the contrary, she had been Joined. While at the hospital Ziranne attempted suicide, which prompted the doctors to send her to the Symbiosis Commission. (‘Reflections’)

God’s Tooth - the unique energy weapon used by the Bactricans to repel the Tzenkethi. Federation analysts thought that it disrupted matter in its basic, sub-quark level, violating three laws of physics. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

grogatorium - the most popular of the shops on Pelios Station, it offered a variety of ales and entertainment, and was managed by a Betazoid. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

Grain Exchanger - a member of the Azziz colony ship that was one of the eight that wished to tour Pelios Station. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

Gran - the second child Audrid Dax had with Jayvin Vod, a boy. Neema was three years old when he was born. Audrid was fifty-one years old when he died. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

gravity boots - part of the Starfleet-issued environmental suits worn by Audrid, Jayvin, Captain Pike and the others during their exploration of the comet. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

Great Experiment, the - the Starship Excelsior and its transwarp engines were often referred to as the Great Experiment while they were being developed. (‘Infinity’)

Guardians, the - the unjoined Trill that tend to the symbionts in the pools of the Caves of Mak'ala. (‘First Steps’)

guest quarters - rooms aboard the Excelsior assigned to Captain Torias Dax and his wife, Doctor Nilani Kahn, while they worked on the transwarp engines for Starfleet. ('Infinity')

Gymnastics Commission - Emony Dax had some results to turn into the commission after Leonard McCoy asked her out to dinner. (‘Old Souls’)


habitat section - a portion of the Heisenberg that was separated from the engineering section by a safety junction with blast doors and heavy shielding to protect the ship in case of radiation exposure. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Hajan, Doctor Foris - an older male Trill with faded spots and white hair, he had recommended that Joran Belar be expelled from the initiate program. Doctor Hajan was a senior member of the Symbiosis Institute’s evaluation team, and Joran Dax’s third victim. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

Halii - Tobin Dax once attended a botanical conference on Halii, where his memories of hearing Deilas Cyl’s presentation on light alternatives were passed on to Audrid Dax. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

hand scanner - a small scanning device used by Captain Torias Dax to detect micro-fractures in the hull of the Infinity before the test flight. (‘Infinity’)

hanger deck - aboard the Excelsior, the Infinity transwarp shuttle was stored on the hanger deck before its test flight. (‘Infinity’)

Headless - the name Ensign Sisko gave to the headless chimpanzee-type creature that Ensign Cal Hudson had to give a tour of Pelios Station to. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

Heisenberg, the - a warp-capable ship owned by the Cochrane Institute of Alpha Centauri under the command of Captain Monsees. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Heyes - the navigator aboard the Heisenberg. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

historical costumes - Julian Bashir would talk Ezri Dax into wearing historical costumes for their holosuite recreation. When she was in the program for the Siege of Las Vegas, her costume was a midnight-blue sequin gown, open-toed high heel shoes and a small purse hanging from her wrist. (‘Second star to the right...’)

history - the study of the past. Emony Dax asked Leonard McCoy if history was his field of expertise, or if it was astronomy. (‘Old Souls’)

Hodgkiss Gym - the common shortened name for the Menlo T. Hodgkiss Memorial Gymnasium at Ole Miss. (‘Old Souls’)

holoenvironments - the environment created by holographic technology, from the encounter suits to holosuites. (‘Second star to the right...’)

holoprojector - the police had mounted a holoprojector in the northeast corner of Mehta Bren’s apartment after her murder. Gard studied the crime scene while Kov tampered with the projector. When Kov activated the projector, the image of Mehta Bren appeared where she had been killed. Evidence was found at the three murder sites that the killer was also using a holoprojector to record his victims’ deaths.(‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

holotank - device in one of the laboratories in the Trill Symbiosis Commission’s regional science facilities, it was used by Verjyl Gard to recreate the crime scene of Mehta Bren’s murder. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

holovids - the common name for holographic video recordings. The hospital medic told Sisko and Jadzia that Verad spent everyday staring at holovids. (‘Reflections’)

honor blade - a razor sharp, curved blade that Sinnit Arvid kept on the wall above his bed at Ole Miss, it symbolized Sinnit’s commitment and dedication to serving as an officer aboard a Tessman cruiser. (‘Old Souls’)

host-death trauma syndrome - a medical condition that can affect symbionts after the hosts die unexpectedly. The Dax symbiont was afflicted with this after the violent death of Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax in 2374. (‘Second star to the right...’)

host initiate - the title of unjoined Trills while they undergo the training to become hosts to a symbiont. Even after Neema was accepted into the initiate training, Audrid evaded questions about what happened to Jayvin. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

Hudson, Cal Ensign - human male, he and Benjamin Sisko were friends from Starfleet Academy, and they were both assigned to Pelios Station. Hudson was one of the officers recruited to give a tour to members of the Azziz colony ship. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

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