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ST: The Lives of Dax MiniPedia

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The Star Trek: The Lives of Dax MiniPedia The ST: TNG Diplomatic Implausibility MiniPedia


ice monsters - while loading the shuttlecraft to investigate the comet, Mister Chin, the shuttle’s pilot, made jokes about ice monsters inside the dark mass. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

Infinity, the - the transwarp shuttle that was be used by Captain Torias Dax to cross the warp ten threshold. He had helped develop the structure of the shuttle while at the Daystrom Institute. It had a bow that came to a low point, and the hull swept back at a sharp angle, with the warp nacelles tucked under the body of the shuttle. (‘Infinity’)

intake valve - after Tobin Dax transported a large table into the Heisenberg’s warp engine coolant take, he hoped it was already wedged into one of the intake valves, which would cut down on the flow of coolant to the intermix chamber. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

intermix chamber - a part of the Heisenberg’s warp engine, Tobin Dax described it as ‘a fussy piece of machinery.’ (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

ionic energy - after the Heisenberg was damaged, external sensors detected the ionic energy associated with Romulan drive units. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Isolation Room One - the part of the Destiny’s medical ward where the apparatus for screening for Founders was kept; only Captain Reymer, Doctor T’pek and the chief of security had access, but only with at least two of them present. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Isolation Room Two - part of the Destiny’s medical ward where Ensign Finok was kept with the Dax symbiont in case an emergency joining was necessary. (‘Second star to the right...’)


jack of hearts - when Tobin Dax was trying to trick Skon, the jack of hearts was the fourth card the Vulcan picked. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Janeway, Admiral - human male, a flag officer in Starfleet. Admiral Janeway arrived at Pelios Station shortly after the Azziz colony ship, and was there to iron out the final details of the treaty with the Bactricans and to assist with the first contact with the Azziz. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

Jarman - the chief engineer aboard the Heisenberg. Jarman and two other engineers were nine of the prisoners held in the engineering section by the Romulans. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Jaurez, Doctor - human male, one of the four Starfleet officers aboard the Tereshkova scheduled to join Audrid Dax and her husband Jayvin on their expedition to the comet. Doctor Jaurez was a xenobiologist, and he and Jayvin got along well after the mission briefing, discussing their thoughts on various developments in multispecies pharmacology. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

Jem’Hadar - the genetically bred soldiers of the Dominion. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Jimmy the Ranti - a Las Vegas comedian, Ezri Dax remembered that Julian Bashir once took her to see a holoprogram of the comedian. (‘Second star to the right...’)


Kahn, Doctor Nilani - joined female Trill, she was a quantum warp scientist that helped to develop the transwarp engines for Starfleet. At the time of the transwarp experiments, Nilani had been joined for nearly a year. She was married to Captain Torias Dax at the time of his death. (‘Infinity’)

kelbonite - a transport inhibitor, trace amounts of this mineral were found in the comet by the probe. During the mission briefing, Audrid and Jayvin learned that a shuttlecraft would have to be used. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

Kem’alta Institute - located on Trill. In the autumn of Stardate 1229, Jayvin Vod had been named head of the xenobiology department. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

key card - card used to unlock doors. An override entry code can also be used to enter an apartment. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

Kira, Colonel - Bajoran female, the commanding officer of Deep Space Nine after the Dominion War ended. Ezri knew she was still brooding over Odo’s departure. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Kirk, Admiral - another member of Starfleet brass who would be arriving at Spacedock to observe the Infinity’s test flight and the commissioning ceremonies for the Excelsior. Doctor Nilani Kahn was looking forward to meeting him. (‘Infinity’)

Klingon bloodkill - a cultural celebration that Ensign Finok cited as a comparison for the Trill First Screening. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Klingons - nonaligned warrior race, identifiable by their ridged brows and sharpened teeth. Curzon Dax served as the Federation ambassador to the Klingon Empire for an unspecified amount of time. (‘Reflections’)

Koal - male Trill, he was Jadzia and Ziranne’s uncle. He had a farm in the southern hemisphere of Trill. When they were eleven years old, the two girls spent the summer at the farm, and played in the snow. Jadzia used that memory to try to reach Ziranne through the incoherent memories of past hosts. (‘Reflections’)

Kobayoshi Maru - a training simulation at Starfleet Academy that tests a cadet’s ability to face a no-win situation. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Kov - a younger male Trill, he was the go-between for Verjyl Gard and the Symbiosis Commission. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)


L’Dira - alien race with white fur, their technology is dependant on acelon and they will trade for it. One L’Dira ship orbited Trill for several days before attacking the planet and stealing the raw acelon they needed. (‘First Steps’)

Laasa, Mira - a computer specialist aboard the Heisenberg. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Lahra, Lieutenant - Starfleet officer, the lieutenant was one of the three quantum warp scientists that had helped develop the transwarp engines at the new Daystrom Institute. Lahra worked with Professor Pokano of Starfleet and Doctor Nilani Kahn of Trill. (‘Infinity’)

landing party - in the early years of deep space exploration, Starfleet referred to the teams that crewmen that left a ship as landing parties. Members of the Trill were invited to join Starfleet’s landing party to examine the comet that was near the Trill system. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

largo - during the secondary interlude of the Cicadian Suite No. 9 performed at the impromptu concert near St’asla, Joran Dax noticed that what had been written as an andante had been performed as a largo. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

larynx - more commonly known as the voice box, the larynx contains the folds of muscle that make up the vocal cords. When the Romulan commander gripped Skon by the throat, the Vulcan thought that his larynx and windpipe would be crushed. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

laser scalpel - one of the pieces of medical equipment that Doctor Bashir took with him to Trill to examine Ziranne. When Sisko and Jadzia returned from the mental ward, they found Ziranne holding Verad/Duhan Vos hostage, and using the laser scalpel as a weapon. (‘Reflections’)

lasers - energy weapons used by the Terrans, they could increase the energy state of matter until it vaporized. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

li’dswed - one of the instruments that Temzia Nirenn owned that Joran Dax knew how to play. She also had a Vulcan lute and a Tellarite hollow bell line that Joran was familiar with. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

lida orchard - on Uncle Koal’s farm, the lida orchard was bordered by a hill that Jadzia and Ziranne could see the entire plantation from the top of the hill. The two girls used the run-off channel to slide down from the top of the hill. (‘Reflections’)

living warp drive - an advanced component of the Azziz colony ship that was beyond the understanding of the Admiral Janeway and the others that toured the ship. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

Lo, Katie - a computer specialist aboard the Heisenberg. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Lyrrin - a young female Trill, she was one of Ziranne’s students, and Bethan Roa’s granddaughter. When Bethan died, Ziranne took Lyrrin to the pools, to take comfort in the fact that the symbiont would be passed on to another host, but the symbiont wasn’t there and Ziranne couldn’t find any records of a new host. (‘Reflections’)

Lytus - the head of Trill’s ruling council at the time Lela Dax and Darzen Odan were members. He was a tall, thin man. (‘First Steps’)

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The Star Trek: The Lives of Dax MiniPedia The ST: TNG Diplomatic Implausibility MiniPedia
