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ST: The Lives of Dax MiniPedia

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The Star Trek: The Lives of Dax MiniPedia The ST: TNG Diplomatic Implausibility MiniPedia


main control room - smaller than the observatory, Sitlas was called to help in the control room. Lela joined him, and together they watched the badly translated message sent by the alien ship and tried to translate it better. (‘First Steps’)

Mars - planet in the Sol system, many of the scientists about the Heisenberg were humans from Mars, Earth, or Alpha Centauri. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Martian mathematician - one of the scientists taken prisoner by the Romulans when they boarded the Heisenberg. Tobin Dax couldn’t pronounce his name. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

McCoy, Leonard - a seventeen year old human male, he was a student at Ole Miss when he met Emony Dax. (‘Old Souls’)

medic, the - hospital employee at Gheryzan who led Sisko and Jadzia Dax to Verad’s room at the mental ward, and told them about how he watched holovids all day and expressed disbelief about Verad’s criminal past. (‘Reflections’)

medical gown - flimsy blue garment worn by patients in sickbay. When Ezri Tigan woke up after her attack, she was wearing a medical gown. (‘Second star to the right...’)

medical smock - article of clothing often worn by Starfleet doctors over their standard uniforms. (‘Second star to the right...’)

medical transport pod - the medical equipment used to transport the Dax symbiont from Deep Space Nine, the pod had Trill ocean water and an inert nitrogen atmosphere. (‘Second star to the right...’)

medical tricorder - specialized hand held scanner used by Starfleet doctors. Doctor Bashir used a medical tricorder to study the effects the symbiont was having on Ziranne. (‘Reflections’)

memory buffers - a part of holosuite programming that Felix had a hard time remembering to purge, which was part of what allowed the holographic program of Vic Fontaine to exist as he did. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Menlo T. Hodgkiss Memorial Gymnasium, the - located on the Ole Miss campus, it was a relatively new building with sand-colored walls and red-tinted windows. Sometimes it is referred to as just the Hodgkiss Gym. (‘Old Souls’)

message, the - the result of a compromise among the Trill after the Vulcan first contact, the message simply stated that the Trill did not want contact with outsiders and asked that alien races bypass the planet. (‘First Steps’)

Mikulak - a member of this race was warming up for the gymnastics competition when Sinnit and Leonard McCoy arrived at the gymnasium. The Mikulak was schedule to compete before Sinnit. (‘Old Souls’)

Milton, Doctor - human male, one of the four Starfleet officers aboard the Tereshkova scheduled to join Audrid Dax and her husband Jayvin on their expedition to the comet. Doctor Milton was an astrophysicist. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

Monsees, Captain - human female, the commander of the Heisenberg. She gave Tobin Dax a copy of 99 Great Card Tricks You Can Learn in Your Spare Time and a deck of cards because she thought he fidgeted too much. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Morn - a prune-faced Lurian male, he bought a bio-acceleration concoction from Quark that grew hair everywhere on his body except his head. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Morrow, Admiral - human male, the Chief of Starfleet Command at the time of the Great Experiment. Shortly before the Infinity’s test flight, Admiral Morrow had moved from Starfleet Headquarters to his quarters at Spacedock so that he would be there for the commissioning ceremonies. Captain Torias Dax was introduced to Admiral Morrow before the Infinity’s test flight. (‘Infinity’)

mreker - a native animal to Trill. To save her sister, Jadzia dug snow and threw it between her legs into a pile behind her like a two-handed mreker. (‘Reflections’)

multiple lines - the suggestion of past-host influence that had drawn the Symbiosis Commission’s attention to the murders. Verjyl Gard believed that the multiple lines would be the best chance to catch the killer. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

Musashi, Miyamoto - a sixteenth century master swordsman from Japan who wrote A Book of Five Rings. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)


99 Great Card Tricks You Can Learn in Your Spare Time - a book of card tricks given to Tobin Dax by Captain Monsees of the Heisenberg while en route to the Cochrane Institute of Alpha Centauri. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Nar, Kejjis - a joined male Trill, he protested to Emony Dax about having to compete against “the Tessma.” Out of the fifteen gymnasts, he was the thirteenth to perform, starting out on the rings, moving on to the parallel bars and finishing up with a perfect landing from the vaulting horse. The Trill placed first in the first round, the only one ahead of Sinnit. He went on to win in the second round, as well. (‘Old Souls’)

navigational array - a component necessary to pilot vessels, the quantum warp scientists were unsure if it would still function properly at transwarp speeds. (‘Infinity’)

Navigator, the - on the Azziz colony ship, the Navigator’s optic nerves permeated the outer shell of the ship, and its sensitivity to the entire electromagnetic spectrum allowed for the Azziz to navigate by the stars. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

necrotic tissue - the death of cells and tissue on the symbiont keeping it from forming the proper connections with Ziranne convinced Doctor Bashir that it was caused by a previous implantation trauma. (‘Reflections’)

nerve pinch - used by Vulcans, it involves gripping the shoulder/lower neck of the target, interrupting the signals from the brain to the body and rendering the target unconscious. Skon used a Vulcan nerve pinch on two of the Romulans aboard the Heisenberg. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

neurotransmitter - a chemical substance that transmits nerve impulses across a synapse. According to Doctor Bashir, Ziranne’s neurotransmitter and endocrine levels were off the map, and Duhan Vos took this as a sign that her body was rejecting the symbiont. (‘Reflections’)

New York - a large metropolitan area in New York State, it was one of the cities that alien visitors tended to remain in when they were on Earth. (‘Old Souls’)

new-ship smell - a combination of fresh coolant fluid, synthetic fibers, and recently scrubbed tritanium that Captain Torias Dax could smell aboard the Excelsior. (‘Infinity’)

newsnets - the news service available to the citizens on Earth. (‘Old Souls’)

Niecta, Jelim - the shuttle pilot who was believed to be Joran Dax’s first murder victim, his body was found at the Devritane Museum. After the evidence from the body had been documented, the body was immolated. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

Nile, Sabbath - an Empath mime dancer who performed at the bar on Pelios Station. Her costume included silver body makeup, a sliver mask and a tight-fitting outfit that allowed for her fluid, cat-like movement with the music. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

Nirenn, Temzia - an intense, passionate young woman Joran Dax met at St’asla after the murder of Mehta Bren. She was a student at Tenaran Music Academy. After spending some time with her, Joran found it hard to believe that she was unjoined. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

nun - a celibate female practitioner of a religious discipline. Curzon Dax once implied to Benjamin Sisko that if Sabbath Nile had been on Earth, she would be considered a nun. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)


O’Brien, Chief - human male, the former Chief of Operations for Deep Space Nine. While very drunk on bloodwine, he once suggested that Vic Fontaine was the next step of evolution in artificial intelligence, similar to the Emergency Medical Holographic programs. (‘Second star to the right...’)

observation lounge - the lounge was located at the upper hanger deck of the Excelsior and was full of diplomats and high-ranking Starfleet officers prior to the Infinity’s flight test. (‘Infinity’)

Odan, Councillor Darzen - an officious man, he was a senior member of the Trill ruling council. He often wore his hair long. Lela knew that the Odan symbiont had had seven previous hosts. Odan honored tradition above all else, and Darzen belonged to a conservative faction of the council. He had a wife and daughter, and enjoyed working in his private garden. (‘First Steps’)

Odaren, Emony - the birth name of the Dax symbiont’s third host. (‘Old Souls’)

Odo, Constable - a male changeling, the former chief of station security for Deep Space Nine. He supervised the transport of the Dax symbiont from Deep Space Nine to the USS Destiny. After the Dominion War ended, he left the station to join the Great Link in the Gamma Quadrant. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Old Man - Benjamin Sisko’s nickname for Curzon Dax. He continued to use it when speaking to Jadzia Dax. (‘Reflections’)

Ole Miss - old university campus located in Oxford, Mississippi on Earth, it has magnolia-shaded walks and ancient brick buildings. Leonard McCoy was a student there when he met Emony Dax. (‘Old Souls’)

Orbs, the - religious artifacts used by the Bajorans, sent to them by the Prophets of the Celestial Temple. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Orion - 1. a green-skinned female competed in the gymnastics competition at Ole Miss, she led off with the rings event. (‘Old Souls’) 2. an Earth constellation, Ezri Dax recognized it in the holographic sky of Las Vegas, thanks to Emony Dax’s memories of her time on Earth. (‘...and straight on ‘til morning.’)

ouroboros - a human myth of the serpent that swallows its own tail, it is a symbol of the cycle of change and continuance, of past and future united. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

Oxford, Mississippi - Leonard McCoy decided to take Emony Dax to the only French restaurant in Oxford for their dinner date. (‘Old Souls’)


padd - personal access data device, commonly used throughout the Federation for record keeping, reading and note taking. Doctor T’Pek carried a padd that had the medical records of both Ensign Tigan and Ensign Finnok. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Pandrilite - a huge, blueskinned member of this race was warming up for the gymnastics competition when Sinnit and Leonard McCoy arrived at the gymnasium. The Pandrilite followed the Rigelian at the competition. He displayed great strength, but was not as smooth in his movements as the others. (‘Old Souls’)

park, the - one of Verjyl Gard’s favorite places to go to think. He used to jog, but had decided that jogging was for the young. When evidence of multiple lines had been found at two murder sites, Kov had found Gard at the park. After Joran Dax’s death, Gard went back to the park, where Kov was waiting for him. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

parlor - a hidden, soundproof chamber that Joran Dax used to compose music on his syn lara. His private parlor was adjacent to the living room of his home. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

parrallel bars - used in gymnastic competitions, a set of parallel bars made of titanium were set up to one side in the Menlo T. Hodgkiss Memorial Gymnasium. (‘Old Souls’)

pattern buffers - part of the prototype matter transporter, Tobin Dax listened for the hum they emitted to reach the correct pitch before activating the transporter. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Pelian system - a double-star cluster, which had several mining colonies and the inhabited planet of Bactrica. Pelios Station is located in the Pelian star system. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

Pelios Station - Federation defensive and diplomatic satellite located in the Pelian system, one of Ensign Benjamin Sisko’s first assignment. Ensign Sisko met Curzon Dax at Pelios Station. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

peritoneal inflammatory - Doctor Bashir found evidence of the inflammation of the serous membrane that lines the walls of the abdominal cavity while he ran tests on Ziranne. (‘Reflections’)

personal thruster units - equipment used by the Romulans, along with EVA suits, to board the Heisenberg after they forced the ship out of warp. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

phantom echo - when Torias Dax learned about the velocity differential during the transwarp simulations, he thought that it might have been caused by phantom echoes due to the lack of sensor data beyond the warp ten threshold. Nilani Kahn pointed out that it appeared in the mathematical readouts, as well. (‘Infinity’)

phase transition coils - a component of the prototype transporter aboard the Heisenberg that Tobin Dax made adjustments to. Skon suggested that they review the adjustments on the way back to the lab after lunch. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

phasers - handheld weapons the Starfleet officers carried during the exploration of the comet. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

piano - Terran instrument that Joran Dax was skilled in playing, it is similar to the Trill syn lara. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

Pike, Christopher Captain - a fleet captain from Starbase 11, Captain Pike led the expedition from the Tereshkova. Years after the failed expedition, Captain Pike stood out most clearly in Audrid Dax’s memory of the mission, because of his silvering hair, piercing blue eyes, and he had the shoulder-back carriage of a man used to command. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

planetary spaceflight center - on Trill, the center housed the space traffic control center, the controls for the planetary defense grid and the finest observatory on Trill. Lela Dax would go to the observatory to relax after tough council sessions. (‘First Steps’)

plisagraph - a scanner used by Jayvin Vod during the exploration of the comet, it detected an electrical signal that had traveled through the frozen, luminous liquid of the comet. Jayvin shared this information with Audrid, but kept it from the Starfleet officers. The plisagraphs being used by the two Trill were specifically designed for the study of symbiont life. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

Poet, the - a creature that resembled a flying amphibian covered with wings, an oversized head and a bullfrog’s throat used by the Azziz ambassador to communicate with Curzon Dax. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

Pokano, Professor - Starfleet officer, the professor was one of the three quantum warp scientists that had worked on the transwarp engines since its inception at the new Daystrom Institute. Professor Pokano worked with Lieutenant Lahra of Starfleet and Doctor Nilani Kahn of Trill. (‘Infinity’)

policy of nondisclosure - a controversial decision of the Trill government to keep their joining with the symbionts a secret from non-Trills. During their time working with Starfleet, Nilani Kahn and Torias Dax followed this policy. (‘Infinity’)

primary engine, the - on the Azziz colony ship, after the secondary propulsion system slowed the ship down, the primary engine would unfurl from the ship like a net to gather interplanetary and interstellar hydrogen, feeding the ship. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

primary Jeffries tube - aboard the Heisenberg, the primary tube ran from almost the entire length of the ship, from the computer core to engineering. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Prince Royal, the - a tall, feral Bactrican who wore jewel-encrusted chevrons on his shoulder. The Prince Royal used the God’s Tooth weapon to destroy the Azziz Poet during one of the tours of Pelios Station. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

project lab, the - aboard the Heisenberg, the lab housed the prototype matter transporter. After the ship’s hull was breached, the lab was still intact. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

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The Star Trek: The Lives of Dax MiniPedia The ST: TNG Diplomatic Implausibility MiniPedia
