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ST: The Lives of Dax MiniPedia

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The Star Trek: The Lives of Dax MiniPedia The ST: TNG Diplomatic Implausibility MiniPedia


Qo’noS - the home planet of the Klingon Empire. Curzon Dax spent some time living there during his time as the Federation ambassador to the Klingon Empire. (‘Reflections’)

Quark - Ferengi male, owner of the drinking establishment on Deep Space Nine’s Promenade. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Quark’s - the drinking & gambling establishment owned by the Ferengi Quark on Deep Space Nine’s Promenade. It also has the only holosuites on the station. (‘Second star to the right...’)

quinary, the - the musical piece that Joran Dax was composing through his new form of inspiration, he believed that if he could work unmolested for two more weeks, it would be complete. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)


Raifi - when it came to Raifi, Tobin was a bit of a quitter. (‘Second star to the right...’)

raktajino - Klingon coffee. Though both Curzon and Jadzia liked drinking it, Ezri hates it. (‘Second star to the right...’)

reassociation - a taboo in Trill culture, it is when a lover or family member from a past host’s life tries to make contact with a new host of the same symbiont. It can often lead to disaster. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

rebreather - a plastic breathing mask which covers the mouth and nose, Tobin Dax had to use one after the Heisenberg’s hull was breached. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

recharge cycle - after the prototype matter transporter was used for the table, it was in a standby position and the generators went into a recharge cycle for the next transport. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Refrigeration Unit - a blue ball of oozing fluid attached to multiple intestine-like tubes, when the Azziz colony ship arrived at Pelios Station, it was one of the eight who wished to tour the station. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

Regimental Volunteers - the fighting company led by Colonel Amber and headquartered at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas for two months in 2053. (‘Second star to the right...’)

reginal science facility - facilities used by the Trill Symbiosis Commission, the one Verjyl Grad used to investigate the murder of the shuttle pilot and the music student was on the Ganses Peninsula. It was equipped with a morgue and a holotank used to recreate the crime scenes. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

Rellian beef - Ensign Sisko offered to prepare two portions of Rellian for himself and Sabbath Nile, but his offer was turned down. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

retrieval device, the - a thirty-centimeter tube which contained an easily detectable isotope that Tobin Dax clipped to his belt so that the prototype matter transporter would have something to lock onto. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Reymer, Captain - the commanding officer of the USS Destiny in 2374. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Rigellian - a member of this race followed Sinnit’s performance at the gymnastics competition, and scored well. (‘Old Souls’)

rings - used in gymnastic competitions, a shiny set of rings hung from cables in the center of the Menlo T. Hodgkiss Memorial Gymnasium. (‘Old Souls’)

Risa - a pleasure planet within the Federation, it is a popular vacation spot for many races. Curzon Dax suffered from a heart attack there shortly before the symbiont was passed on to Jadzia. (‘Reflections’)

Roa - the symbiont taken from Bethan after Verad killed him. It was being used by other unjoined Trills to experience the Joining for a brief time. When Ziranne learned of this, she paid to be the next host so that she could bring the symbiont to safety on Trill. (‘Reflections’)

Roa, Bethan - the grandfather of one of Ziranne’s students, he lived at Shal Tul. Bethan’s mind was failing from old age, and the medicine he took to try and hide his condition from the Symbiosis Commission severed his link to the symbiont within him. (‘Reflections’)

Romulan commander, the - the leader of the four man boarding party that breached the Heisenberg for its warp technology. The Romulan commander ordered the murder of Williams. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Romulans - a fiercely xenophobic race, they were engaged in a prolonged war with humans for over three years after an Earth ship violated their territory. Evidence of a Romulan attack was found after the Heisenberg was damaged. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

rounds - at the gymnastics competition, the judges announced that there would be three rounds. The four gymnasts with the top scores from the first two rounds would advance to the third, final round. Everyone else was welcome to compete in a consolation round. (‘Old Souls’)

ruling council - the democratic government of the Trill. Lela Dax was the fourth woman elected to the council. (‘First Steps’)

runabout - small, warp capable vessels used by Deep Space Nine. A runabout was used to transport the Dax symbiont from the station to the USS Destiny after the death of Jadzia Dax. (‘Second star to the right...’)

runner, a - a male Trill, he was sent by the ruling council to bring Lela Dax back to the council chambers after they had reached their decision about her fate. (‘First Steps’)


Saavik, Cadet - Vulcan female, she worked with the transwarp engine team for several weeks, ironing out any final snags before the launch of the Excelsior. She wore a red jumpsuit, with a placard identifying her as a cadet, and her hair was pulled into a severe bun that showed her pointed ears. She had been asked to work on the transwarp experiments because of her expertise in warp navigation. (‘Infinity’)

samsit - an alcoholic beverage in a fragile, single-crystal bottle. Ezri and Brinner shared a bottle on their fifth date, and Ezri took a bottle of samsit to Brinner while he was in isolation. (‘Second star to the right...’)

San Francisco - large city in California on Earth, it was one of the cities that alien visitors tended to remain in when they were on Earth. (‘Old Souls’)

Sappora VII - the planet where Ezri Tigan lived with her mother and two brothers. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Saurian brandy - one of Curzon Dax’s favorite alcoholic beverages; he used to add it to his raktajinos. (‘Second star to the right...’)

secondary propulsion system, the - one of the surprises during the tour of the Azziz colony ship, it acted as a low-velocity steering system when the ship positioned itself. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

security condition alpha - security precautions include sealing sections of a ship with blast doors and forcefields, it is implemented when trying to contain a biological contamination or when transporting a being vital to the survival of the United Federation of Planets. When the USS Destiny was transporting the Dax symbiont, security condition alpha was in place. (‘Second star to the right...’)

sergeant at arms - after the ruling council reached their decision, the sergeant at arms announced the consequences of Lela Dax’s actions before the council. (‘First Steps’)

servo wrench - a tool that Torias Dax would use to imitate Captain Styles and his swagger stick for his wife Nilani Kahn when the two were alone. (‘Infinity’)

Sh’tan - Vulcan male, he was the bioengineer who conducted a tour of the Azziz colony ship for Admiral Janeway and two of his aides, Ensigns Sisko and Hudson, and Sabbath Nile . He also modified their tricorders so that they could interpret the data from the Azziz through the station’s computers. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

sh’uk - a needle-thin weapon that had been used for executions by Trill authorities three hundred years before Joran Dax began to use an antique one to kill his victims. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

Shal Tul - a Federation outpost. The week before Ziranne obtained the symbiont, she told her fellow teachers that she was traveling off world to Shal Tul because she was concerned about the grandfather of one of her students. The records showed that she booked a shuttle to go to Shal Tul, but there weren’t any records of her return to Trill. (‘Reflections’)

shatharma - Sabbath Nile’s word for the web she weaves during her dances as an Empathic mime. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

shellfish - one of Nilani Kahn’s favorite dishes. (‘Infinity’)

shuttle pilot, the - a murder victim identified as Jelim Niecta, his body was found at the Devritane Museum. He was believed to be the first victim of Joran Dax. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

sickbay, the - medical ward aboard the Excelsior. Torias Dax was beamed into a stasis chamber in the sickbay after the failed flight test, and Cadet Saavik led Doctor Nilani Kahn there so that she could be with her husband. (‘Infinity’)

Siege of Las Vegas, the - occurred during World War III, Caesar’s Palace was destroyed during the battle in 2053. Ezri Dax was checking out a holosuite program of the battle for Julian Bashir. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Silvet, Doctor - female Trill, she was an instructor at the Tenaran Music Academy. During Joran Belar’s first year at the academy, she taught Advanced Interpretation. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

simulator room - located on Starfleet’s Spacedock in orbit of Earth, it was where the warp ten shuttle simulation was tested by Captain Torias Dax. It was set up to resemble the shuttle that would be used for the first transwarp flight. (‘Infinity’)

simulator runs - tests conducted using the simulator room. After multiple successes by Captain Torias Dax with the transwarp shuttle, Captain Styles was going to have the simulator refitted to resemble the Excelsior’s bridge. (‘Infinity’)

Sisko, Benjamin - human male, he was the former commander of Deep Space Nine, and an old friend of the past three Dax hosts, starting with Curzon. (‘Second star to the right...’) As a young ensign, he served as Federation Ambassador Curzon Dax’s adjunct during the negotiations with the Bactricans and the first contact with the Azziz colony ship at Pelios Station. (‘The Music Between the Notes’) Benjamin Sisko was in command of the Defiant when Jadzia Dax received the message from the Symbiosis Commission, and helped his friend in dealing with her sister’s situation. (‘Reflections’)

Sisko, Jake - human male, a resident on Deep Space Nine. He thought that Vic Fontaine could be an alien personality that somehow got caught in the holographic programming. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Sitlas - an older, unjoined male Trill, he was slender with dark spots. Sitlas ran the space center with great efficiency. (‘First Steps’)

Skon of Vulcan - a mathematician that had worked in the field of quantum phase variance, Tobin Dax befriended Skon while en route to the Cochrane Institute of Alpha Centauri. Skon was the son of a diplomat, which caused Tobin think he was more tolerant of other races. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Slest, Verjyl - the birth name of Verjyl Gard. Before his joining, Verjyl Slest was surprised by the extensive screening process of the Symbiosis Commission. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

Solon, Franklin - the ship’s surgeon assigned to the USS Destiny. (‘Second star to the right...’)

South, the - region of North America that includes Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas and Texas. Leonard McCoy was from the South, and told Emony Dax that most men were gentlemen, though all men were taught to be gentlemen. (‘Old Souls’)

Spacedock - an incredibly large spindle-shaped orbital space station above Earth. Several starships could dock within the enclosed ports, and were separated from space by a large set of double doors. Captain Torias Dax had to take the Infinity through the Spacedock, past several starships, after leaving the Excelsior to conduct the transwarp flight test. (‘Infinity’)

sparkling ale - Ensign Sisko’s preferred drink during his time on Pelios Station, it was not as harmless as synthehol. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

speciman peels - equipment packed by Jayvin Vod and Audrid Dax before leaving aboard the Tereshkova to investigate the bioelectric signatures coming from the comet. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

St’asla - a student-run outdoor cafe located near the Tenaran Music Academy. Joran Dax observed the impromptu outdoor concert that had started as a way to mourn Mehta Bren. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

Starfleet - the exploration/defensive arm of the United Federation of Planets. (‘Second star to the right...’) The Trill received a message from Starfleet about a comet that was just outside the Trill system. The comet was emitting a unique bioelectric signature that the Trill believed was coming from symbionts. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

Starfleet Academy - the training academy for Starfleet cadets, located in San Francisco, Earth. The academy has extensive uses for holographic technology in their training programs. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Starfleet Command - the command branch of Starfleet. They approved the research into transwarp engines, and for Captain Torias Dax to test the engine on a shuttle before it was put to use on the Starship Excelsior. (‘Infinity’)

Starfleet Medical - the medical branch of Starfleet. (‘Second star to the right...’)

stasis chamber - due to the strict medical protocols for the Trill, Doctor Christine Chapel had Captain Torias Dax beamed into a stasis chamber until Doctor Darheel could arrive from the embassy to operate on him, rather than do it herself. The stasis chamber kept the Dax symbiont alive until it could be removed from the dying host body. (‘Infinity’)

steering thrusters - with Tobin Dax’s plan to escape from the Romulans, the steering thrusters would still be available from the habitat section of the Heisenberg and could still be used after the destruction of the engineering section. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

storage cage, a - located in the Heisenberg’s cargo hold, the crew was held behind the metal grillwork of one of the storage cages. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Strip, the - the main street that runs through the holographic representation of Las Vegas. Ezri and Julian were supposed to have a date there, but he was called away on a medical emergency. (‘Second star to the right...’)

student, the - a young girl identified as Mehta Bren, she was believed to have been the second victim of Joran Dax. She was killed two weeks after the shuttle pilot. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

Styles, Captain - human male, the first captain of the USS Excelsior. He was pompous and arrogant, and often carried a swagger stick. Torias only tolerated him as a means to an end while developing the transwarp engine. (‘Infinity’)

subspace torque - caused by the velocity differential of crossing the warp ten threshold, Cadet Saavik believed that it could destroy the Infinity unless a program was added to the shuttle’s computer that would synchronize navigational constant with the transwarp field. (‘Infinity’)

suttee - An ancient Earth practice of a Hindu widow who immolates herself, or is immolated, on the funeral pile of her husband. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

swagger stick - silver-tipped gold metal stick carried by Captain Styles, he would use it to punctuate his statements. Torias Dax used a servo wrench to imitate the captain. When not waving it around, he would keep it tucked under his left arm. (‘Infinity’)

symbiont - the slug-like beings that contain the memories of each Trill host, passed down through the centuries. (‘Second star to the right...’)

symbiont chemical anomalies - before Audrid Dax left teaching, she and her husband Jayvin Vod had written and published several papers together about chemical anomalies found in symbionts. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

symbiosis, the - the joining of host body to symbiont, overseen by the Symbiosis Commission. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

Symbiosis Commission - the committee that monitors the selection of hosts for symbionts. Part of the monitoring includes the submission of a selection profile by the Trill population. (‘Second star to the right...’) Audrid Dax was the head of the Symbiosis Commission for over fifteen years. (‘Sins of the Mother’) Joran Dax committed his third murder within the walls of the Symbiosis Commission’s building. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

symbiosis evaluation - Doctor T’Pek thought that Ensign Ezri Tigan’s medical records were incomplete, since she didn’t have a symbiosis evaluation on record. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Symbiosis Evaluation Board - after the L’Dira attack and the accusation of treason, Lela Dax began to think that the board may have made a mistake in choosing her to be joined with a symbiont. (‘First Steps’) Tobin Dax wasn’t sure why the board had chosen him to carry the Dax symbiont after Lela. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Symbiosis Institute - the doctors at the institute assured Tobin that the voice he thought was Lela’s was just in his imagination. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’) Six months after he left the Symbiosis Institute, Captain Torias Dax was working with his wife, Nilani Kahn, on the transwarp project for Starfleet. (‘Infinity’)

syn lara - stringed Trill musical instrument similar to a Terran piano. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

synthehol - beverage developed by the Ferengi, that had the taste of alcohol, but none of the negative effects of inebriation. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

syto beans - the hospital medic told Sisko and Jadzia that the only trouble they ever got from Verad was about syto beans at dinner, since he really hated syto beans. (‘Reflections’)


T’Pau - a regal Vulcan female, she responded to Lela Dax’s message asking about the alien ship in orbit of Trill. T’Pau was also the Vulcan emissary sent to Trill after the ruling council passed their resolution to learn more about their galactic neighbors, starting with the Vulcans. (‘First Steps’)

T’Pek, Doctor - Vulcan female, the chief medical officer of the USS Destiny. (‘Second star to the right...’)

T’saln - a Vulcan composer, her works include Cicadian Suite No. 9. The piece had been a favorite of Joran Belar’s, and it was written well before Dax’s first implantation into a host. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

taker of gist, the - after the alien creature took over Jayvin Vod’s body, it called itself “the taker of gist”, a parasite that was seeking out “the weak ones” and would be “the first of many.” (‘Sins of the Mother’)

Taurus - an Earth constellation, Ezri Dax recognized it in the holographic sky of Las Vegas, thanks to Emony Dax’s memories of her time on Earth. (‘...and straight on ‘til morning.’)

tech, the - nervous young man who ran the holotank simulation of the music student’s murder for Verjyl Grad. Despite the uselessness of the simulation, Gard thanked him when it concluded. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

technological exchange agreement - the agreement between the Trill civilians Torias Dax and Nilani Kahn and Starfleet for working on the transwarp engines. Doctor Kahn wanted to be able to get clearance to copy their research before returning to Trill, and Captain Dax believed it wouldn’t be too difficult since that was part of the agreement they had with Starfleet. (‘Infinity’)

Tellarite hollow bell line - a musical instrument from the Tellarites, it was one of the instruments that Temzia Nirenn owned that Joran Dax knew how to play. She also had a li’dswed and a Vulcan lute that Joran was familiar with. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

Tenara - while at transwarp velocity, one of the infinite locations that Captain Torias Dax experienced were the wind blown ice cliffs of Tenara. (‘Infinity’)

Tenaran Music Academy - Mehta Bren had been an unremarkable first-year flautist at the academy at the time of her murder. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

Tereshkova - a small scientific survey vessel that was used to pick up Audrid Dax and Jayvin Vod from Trill, and take them to the comet under investigation by Starfleet. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

Terran-Romulan conflict - the battle being fought between the humans and Romulans caused a unity among humanity and neighbor races in the fields of science, military defense, and politics. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Terrans - a common name other species use to refer to the human race. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Tessman ambassadors - in the mid2240s, a group of Tessman ambassadors were walking in the Mak’ala wilderness when they fell into a previously unknown cavern. The ambassadors found their way into a network of underground pools that housed worm-like creatures. The area was off-limits to non-Trill, and it caused a diplomatic incident. (‘Old Souls’)

Tessmata IV - the home planet of the Tessma, it had its own planetary defense forces. Sinnit Arvid was from Tessmata IV. (‘Old Souls’)

Thirds, the - Sabbath Nile’s race was a ‘Third,’ the third in a bonded triad. Without the Thirds, the Bactrican couples would have been unable to mate. Thirds are raised in nunneries away from the general population, and only the royal family has them on call. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

Tigan, Ezri Ensign - unjoined Trill female; junior counselor aboard the USS Destiny, and one of only two Trills onboard when the ship was transporting the Dax symbiont from Deep Space Nine to the Trill homeworld. Due to complications with the symbiont, Ensign Tigan was joined with Dax. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Tigan, Norvo - male Trill, the younger brother of Ezri Tigan Dax. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Tokyo - large city found on the island of Japan, it was one of the cities that alien visitors tended to remain in when they were on Earth. (‘Old Souls’)

transparent aluminum - after getting its beginnings on Earth the mid1980s, the material was still being used by the Federation in the construction of satellites and starships. Together with tritanium, it is strong enough to contain the pressure of a thousand atmospheres. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

transwarp design facility - the night before the Infinity’s test flight, Torias Dax and Nilani Kahn discussed returning to Trill and starting a transwarp design facility where they could both work. This idea appealed to them both, since Captain Dax would train the pilots while Doctor Kahn headed the design team for the transwarp engines. (‘Infinity’)

transwarp flight test - the test of the transwarp engines onboard the shuttle Infinity. The flight test was scheduled before the commissioning ceremony for the Starship Excelsior. (‘Infinity’)

transwarp science lab - a special lab set aboard the Excelsior. Captain Torias Dax opened a communications channel from the Infinityto Doctor Nilani Kahn in the lab before launching the shuttle for its flight test. (‘Infinity’)

Trikon brainwipe chamber - when Ensign Finok entered the turbolift with Doctor T’pek, Ensign Tigan thought he looked like a condemned man entering a Trikon brainwipe chamber. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Trill - member race of the United Federation of Planets, they can be joined with a symbiont, or remain unjoined. Their distinguishing characteristics include cold hands and spots that run from the temples down to their feet. Also the name of the planet they are from. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Trill doctor, the - after Kejjis Nar was injured by Sinnit, McCoy told an older human to get the Trill doctor to treat Nar’s injuries. (‘Old Souls’)

Trill embassy, the - on Earth, it is located in Nagano, Japan. (‘Infinity’)

triple-niner - a mild insult among Trill, since ninety-nine point nine percent of the population are unfit for joining with a symbiont. (‘Second star to the right...’)

tritanium - processed metal used by the Federation in its construction of satellites and ships. Along with transparent aluminum, it is strong enough to contain the pressure of a thousand atmospheres. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

twin season - Jadzia and Ziranne’s name for the few months of the year when they both shared the same age. (‘Reflections’)

Tzenkethi - a mysterious race that attempted to invade Bactrica four times. The first three times they were repulsed by a unique energy weapon technology, and the fourth time the Bactricans had Federation assistance. The Tzenkethi would later have a brief, but bloody war against the United Federation of Planets. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

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The Star Trek: The Lives of Dax MiniPedia The ST: TNG Diplomatic Implausibility MiniPedia
