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ST: The Lives of Dax MiniPedia

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The Star Trek: The Lives of Dax MiniPedia The ST: TNG Diplomatic Implausibility MiniPedia


University Mews, the - while at Ole Miss, Emony Dax was staying at the University Mews. Leonard McCoy picked her up at number sixteen at seven the night after the gymnastics competition. (‘Old Souls’)

unknown agent - Doctor Milton’s name for something that turned up amid the hydroxyl radicals during scans of the comet while the shuttle was approaching it. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

Untitled, To a Truth - an original musical composition written by Joran Belar. Joran Dax played it on an antique Steinway imported from Earth at a recital at the Tenaran Music Academy. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

Ursa Major - an Earth constellation, Ezri Dax recognized it in the holographic sky of Las Vegas, thanks to Emony Dax’s memories of her time on Earth. (‘...and straight on ‘til morning.’)

Utopia Planitia - shipyard in the Sol system. Ezri remembered that Curzon Dax and Benjamin Sisko once had a conversation there about the memories of past hosts. (‘Second star to the right...’)


vaulting horse - used in gymnastic competitions, a vaulting horse made of synthetic leather was set up in one side of the Menlo T. Hodgkiss Memorial Gymnasium. (‘Old Souls’)

veins, the - the taker of gists’ name for the frozen, luminous sludge of the comet. Through the veins, it controlled the comet’s flight path in search of “the weak ones.” (‘Sins of the Mother’)

velocity differential - Cadet Saavik reported that during the transwarp simulations, the team of quantum warp scientists were detecting a velocity differential due to fluctuations in the warp frequency. This problem was also showing up in the mathematical equations. During her simulator flight test, Saavik compensated for the velocity differential by recalibrating the field symmetry of the dilithium crystals, resulting in the best test flight they had. (‘Infinity’)

velocity indicator - a control gauge for the Infinity shuttle simulation that went off the scale shortly before the warp ten threshold was crossed. (‘Infinity’)

Verad - an unjoined male Trill. For a short time, he was joined with the Dax symbiont after he stole it from Jadzia Dax during the second year of her posting at Deep Space Nine. He believed that he had been destined to be joined with Dax, and planned to escape into the Gamma Quadrant. After being returned to Trill, Verad was sentenced to permanent residence in the mental ward at the hospital in Gheryzan, but was deemed cured a short time later. (‘Reflections’)

vertebrae - both the shuttle pilot and the student had selected vertebrae broken prior to death, which paralyzed them for twenty minutes to an hour before they died. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

Vobilite - a male member of this race was warming up for the gymnastics competition when Sinnit and Leonard McCoy arrived. McCoy was able to identify him by his mottled red flesh and the tusks protruding from his jaw. McCoy didn’t think his performance in the competition was very inspiring. (‘Old Souls’)

Vod - the healthy, unaffected symbiont was left inside of Jayvin’s dying host body on purpose. It was an unprecedented event in the history of the Trill, and Audrid Dax was instrumental in the decision to carry it out. The records were later sealed, and Audrid told Neema that the Vod symbiont was passed on to a new host. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

Vod, Baret - one of the five of Vod’s hosts before Jayvin. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

Vod, Calila - one of the five of Vod’s hosts before Jayvin. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

Vod, Devinal - one of the five of Vod’s hosts before Jayvin. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

Vod, Jayvin - joined male Trill, he was married to Audrid Dax and was the father of Neema and Gran at the time of his death. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

Vod, Kelin - one of the five of Vod’s hosts before Jayvin. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

Vod, Timus - one of the five of Vod’s hosts before Jayvin, possibly the first host of the Vod symbiont. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

Vos - a symbiont that had been joined to Duhan for twenty years before the symbiont was taken by Verad. (‘Reflections’)

Vos, Commissioner Duhan - male Trill, he was the chairman of the Symbiosis Commission in the mid2370s. His campaign promises included revolutionary ideas on how the commission dealt with the unjoined Trill and abuses of power. (‘Reflections’)

Vulcan - one of the founding races of the United Federation of Planets, from a planet with the same name, their distinguishing characteristics include pointed ears and arched eyebrows. They suppress their emotions and embrace logic and patience. (‘Second star to the right...’) The Vulcan race made first contact with the Trill. (‘First Steps’) A male Vulcan served as a judge at a gymnastics competition at Ole Miss, along with Emony Dax of Trill, a human woman, and an Andorian. (‘Old Souls’)

Vulcan first contact crisis - Lela was just a young girl when it happened. The Vulcans’ arrival on Trill divided the population about how to handle contact with other races. (‘First Steps’)

Vulcan IDIC symbol - the symbol for infinite diversity in infinite combinations, it is a silver circle with a golden triangle overlapping its lower edge. (‘First Steps’)

Vulcan lute - one of the instruments that Temzia Nirenn owned that Joran Dax knew how to play. She also had a li’dswed and a Tellarite hollow bell line that Joran was familiar with. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)


warp ship - built by a man as a beacon of hope on a planet devastated by a recent war, the ship attracted the attention of a Vulcan survey mission, and first contact was accomplished. The Vulcan emissary T’Pau told Lela Dax about the passionate race that had been encountered. (‘First Steps’)

warp ten - a theoretical impossibility, warp ten is believed to be infinite velocity, causing the object traveling at transwarp to be in every point in the universe at once. Crossing the warp ten threshold was the goal of the Great Experiment. (‘Infinity’)

wikhov’na pan’tisha - the Tessman phrase Sinnit used to describe the Trill as a loathsome, disgusting species. When Leonard McCoy asked for an explanation, Sinnit refused to elaborate. Emony Dax told McCoy that it’s a slur meaning ‘vermin lover’. (‘Old Souls’)

Wild Bill Hickok and the Dead Man’s Hand - when Tobin Dax was trying to trick Skon, he was supposed to run patter and tell the Vulcan the story of ‘Wild Bill Hickok and the Dead Man’s Hand’ to distract him from the force. After the trick failed, Tobin told Skon the Earth legend. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Williams - human female with a round, soft face. She was one of the project technicians aboard the Heisenberg. After the Romulans boarded the ship, Williams was killed when she was purposefully expelled into space from the engineering airlock. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

windpipe - when the Romulan commander gripped Skon by the throat, the Vulcan expected his windpipe and larynx to be crushed. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

womb chamber - found within the comet, the chamber was the source of the life readings, and the creature was within a raised basin of frozen luminous sludge before it took control of Jayvin Vod and killed three members of the landing party. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

World War III - the third world war on Earth. For two months during the war, Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas served as the command center for Colonel Amber’s Regimental Volunteers, until the final battle of the Siege of Las Vegas. (‘Second star to the right...’)


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YESCO - the acronym for the Young Electric Sign Company. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Y’men, Co-councillor - one of the Bactrican delegates who opposed the violation of the ceremony of death taking place on Pelios Station during the negotiations with the Federation. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

Yates, Kasidy - human female, a civilian freighter captain pregnant with Captain Sisko’s baby. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Young Electric Sign Company, the - the company responsible for creating the signs for the Las Vegas Strip since the whole thing got started, according to Vic Fontaine. (‘Second star to the right...’)


Zee - the nickname that Norvo had for his sister Ezri. (‘Second star to the right...’)

zhian’tara - a ceremony for joined Trill overseen by the unjoined Guardians in which the memories and personalities of a symbiont’s previous hosts to share and teach the symbiont’s current host. Fifteen years after the exploration of the comet, Audrid Dax remembered the attack on her husband Jayvin Vod as a nightmarish version of the zhian’tara, with the alien creature going through Vod’s memories to express its own anger. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

Ziranne - female Trill, she was Jadzia Dax’s sister. Ziranne became a host for an unknown symbiont, and the Symbiosis Commission called for Jadzia’s help in their investigation. Before her illegal joining, Ziranne was a preschool teacher. (‘Reflections’)

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The Star Trek: The Lives of Dax MiniPedia The ST: TNG Diplomatic Implausibility MiniPedia
