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            LTCOL REMEGIO MARIANO DE VERA 0-8340 (GSC) Philippine Army was born on October 26, 1957 in Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines. He entered the Philippine Military Academy in 1977 and graduated in 1981.

            After his graduation in PMA, he was assigned with the 4th Infantry battalion, 1st Infantry Division, Philippine Army, designated as infantry platoon leader, rifle company executive officer and later on company Commander of Alfa Company, 4th Inf Bn deployed in Jolo, Sulu southern part of the Philippines. After 3 years in the southern Philippines, he went to  The Intelligence School and took up the military intelligence officer basic course.

            He served as intelligence officer in the former Military Security Command (now ISG), Philippine Army for seven years. He had occupied various staff positions in the different units of the AFP and from 1998 to year 2000 served as  battalion Commander of the 69th Infantry battalion of the 7th Infantry Division, Philippine Army.

            He had undergone various military schoolings in the Philippines and abroad. He took up the Communication Electronic Officer Basic Course, Field Artillery Officer Advance Course and the General Staff Course . He also took up his Intermediate Intelligence Officers Course in Australia and presently taking up his Master in Business Administration degree at the Naval Post Graduate School, Monterey, California, USA.

            LTCol De Vera is a recipient of various awards and decorations namely the Distinguished Service Star, the Bronze Cross Medal, Military Merit Medals, Military Commendation Medals and Military Civic Action Medals.

            A sports-minded person, he loves to play golf and tennis during off duty hours.

            He is married to former Miss Blesila Quiton and now blessed with four children namely, Patrick, Edison, Maurice and only daughter Aubrey.