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The Sexiest Filipino Superstars in the World

The Beautiful Men of the Philippines

KC Montero, actor/ MTV Philippines VJ

KC Montero and Amanda Griffin


Comfortably cool Casey
By Rea L. Gomez

MANILA, Philippines ''SORRY, I'm late--'' was the first thing he said, and I immediately thought this newest ''Crush ng Bayan'' has truly gotten bit by the show-biz bug. 

He hadn't slept well for three days, said he, because he was ''running around all over.'' Barely a year in the biz...tsk, tsk, tsk...and already like that. Then he started to talk, and unleashed his boyish charm. Charmed, I was indeed. 

It is difficult to put a label on Casey Montero. Many know him as ''Troy's younger brother''--but due to his regular shows ''Beh Bote Nga'' and ''S.O.P'' both on GMA 7, Casey reveals himself as a personality to behold all on his own. There's never been any pressure to compete, says he, with older brother Troy. ''We have different talents. We both said that if one's bigger than the other, then who cares? We've never been pitted against each other, and I don't think we'd do it,'' says Casey. He adds, ''We won't go head to head. Everything is usually done together, which is nice. If ever we're pitted head to head, we'd just probably go in and say, 'Whatever's clever, brother.''' 

All in the family

''Growing up, I had everything I could want,'' says Casey, middle child to Cynthia and Cody Montero. ''We were and are very family-oriented. We lived next door to my grandma, we'd walk to her house a lot. Every Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, we'd go to both grandparents' houses. Fourth of July we'd be at my uncles' house; we had a lot of family outings. We're pretty tight, to this day, except we're so far apart. 

''And one thing you cannot toy with me about. We're all really, really protective of each other. We'll do anything to protect each other. It's happened before, but never mind.'' 

Casey grew up the all-American way--''My brothers were my toys. We used to play war a lot in the woods; we had a lot of woods around the house. We'd run around in the woods and shoot each other.''--and has dreams of being a cowboy. ''We're urban cowboys,'' says he of himself and his brothers, ''we have cows, horses, we know how to hunt, fish, ride.'' 

Casey holds his earliest childhood memory close to his heart. He sheepishly explained, ''My mom had this silk robe, and when I was a kid I liked rubbing it. I like the texture of silk. One day I found her robe in her closet and I was in there hiding, rubbing on her robe. Needless to say, she cut the robe up and gave it to me as a blanket. That was my little thing, my blanket in my hand and my thumb in my mouth.'' 

Being the ''middle child'' isn't a problem for Casey, he enjoys his role as the family ''savior.'' Says he, ''if anyone is down, I'm the one who comes in the room and lightens everything up. I'm the mood lightener. Troy is the mama's boy, Colby's the papa's boy. I'm both. I'm the family boy, I'm everybody's kid.'' 

Love lingers

''All my relationships have been for a long time,'' says this 20-year old eligible bachelor. ''I had my first girlfriend in sixth grade, we went out for two years.'' But it was never really serious, he quickly added-- just to be able to say 'I have a girlfriend.' 

''I had my first serious girlfriend in seventh grade. Her name is Christie, she's Filipino. I saw her in art class, and we went out for two years. We broke up because I changed schools. Then I had another girlfriend for two years. That was my first love, I guess,'' he said sheepishly. ''Her name was Tonya.'' 

Being in the biz

It takes a lot of adjustment to get into the thick of show biz, especially in a country you've lived in for only eight months. But Casey's natural calmness and ability to let things ''roll over'' him has worked to his advantage. ''I'm just carefree, things don't really stick to me. It flips right over my head. It could get me in trouble, too, though, if I go through life without really worrying about anything. That's why my mom would always call me irresponsible because I'd always just do my own thing. I'm a spur-of-the-moment kind of guy. I don't let things bother me.'' 

He, of course, has not been spared by the mill of intrigues. '' 

When I first got here, there was this one about me courting this girl, and it went on for about three months. I was like, 'Can't you guys think of anything new?' Thankfully, there hasn't been anything really personal. Nothing yet. I'm sure if I get more popular, more will come out. When something does come out, I clip it, send it to my mom and we laugh about it.'' 

So with all the unnecessary and unwanted chatter, why did he decide to join the biz? He ''fell into it,'' says Casey, along with brother Troy when they decided to visit the country and try their hands at modelling. ''Then we got these other offers and then we weighed out the options. So we decided to try it, what could happen? It's either yes or no, we could always go home and do what we were doing--school and work. I was doing construction work.'' 

Casey, however, holds all good praises of his new-found occupation. He recommends it to other young, good-looking guys, but only ''if you can take it.'' He adds, ''If you can take everybody talking about you. Everyone thinks that they know you, but they really don't.'' 

After numerous commercials, television appearances, and a growing bevy of screaming young lady fans, Casey maintains his composure. Seeing himself on TV, he thinks ''What am I doing?'' He hasn't gotten used to it, and usually walks out of the room and tells other people, ''Don't watch that! You don't want to see that!" 

Good at being himself

Passionate about music, Casey wants to learn how to play the piano. ''I have these big old hands that are ready to play. Also, I wanna learn five languages and just do what I wanna do--there are so many things to do.'' So, 'what are you really good at?' I asked, and his answer was quick '' 

I'm good at being myself. I don't fade anything. I'm good at making my mom happy. I clown around, goof off in front of her and she cannot stay mad at me at all.'' 

To everything, Casey remains hopeful and optimistic. ''Everything that's happening is good. This time last year, I was out in the sun hammering and carrying logs around, stuff like that, then going home, sleeping, not doing much. But here, I never really know what's next.'' 

Fast Facts

Full name: Casey Montero 

Nickname: ''KC'' in the Philippines--'cause it's easier to remember 

Birthday: June 17, 1978 

Born and raised in Tacoma, Washington state (a suburb south of Seattle) 

Schools: Shiny Mountain Elementary, Rocky Ridge Elementary, Cedar Crest Junior High, Bethel Junior High, Pierce Community College 

I took two years of college at Pierce Community College 

I wasn't sure what I wanted to major in. I was thinking of majoring in zoology because I've always wanted to work in Sea World--to work with Shamu, and I wanted to be like Jack Hannah with all those animals. 


I had a dog (a doberman) but she ran away because she was heartbroken. I came here and she ran away. I've had all kinds of pets, so many dogs, snakes, lizards. But my doberman ran away! She was my friend. (Sad voice). Her name is Rage, the lady of Rage. 

Favorite class: Art, drawing, sculpture, creative writing. I like my art; it doesn't have a title, it's Casey's art. I'm into sculpture, pottery, stuff like that. 

First crush: Olivia Newton-John in 'Xanadu' (hums song), that was a pretty weird movie. And Jane Fonda. My mom would always exercise, she's an exercise buff. When I'd come into the living room in the morning, Jane Fonda was there doing this stuff. I was a young kid and my mom would look at me, look at the TV, look at me, look at the TV, and say ''Casey, what you lookin at?'' 

Clothes: I'm usually in hip-hop clothes, but anything is clever for me. 

My favorites are jogging pants, rubber shoes, T-shirt and a hat. I always wear a hat; it's my trademark, my backward hat. I have a different colored hat for every outfit. They're specially fitted, not the adjustable kind. 

I don't have anything expensive. 

Weirdest item owned: I have a reversible Dr. Seuss hat, my last girlfriend of four years gave it to me 

Hobbies: Sports--I'm a baseball player by heart; I played all through high school. I used to play golf, too, but that was awhile ago. 

I want to try scuba diving, windsurfing, sky diving, parasailing. 

Toys: Playstation, a yo-yo and my phone (text). 

I wanna get one of those workout body things that light up then you punch 'cause I wanna try and take it's head off. 

Music favorites: Slow R&B love music, hip-hop 

Artists: Jodeci, KC & JoJo, Brian McKnight, Sam Salter, Marvin Gaye--he's the man, Al B. Sure, old school stuff, Drew Hill 

In his CD player now: Chico de Barge, El de Barge's younger brother, sounds like D'Angelo 

Favorite food: Pizza and Bistek Tagalog 

Does he cook?: Yeah. I have to because we don't have a maid. Back in the States, I used to cook when my mom wasn't home. She always liked to cook for us. 

I'm a darned good Spaghetti-O's cook, and I can make a mean peanut butter and jelly sandwich. And my tuna fish is extravagant. Grilled cheese too. 

Movies, all-time favorites: ''Scarface'' and ''Godfather Part Two.'' I always wanted to be in the mob. I always wanted someone to come up to me and be like, ''Don Corleone, I come to you'' (in Italian accent). I'd be like in my restaurant, with my goons, eating a giant bowl of spaghetti. And people would come up to me and ask me for favors. 

Recent fave movie: ''The Waterboy'' 

Dream role: An Italian, the accent's easy 

Dream director: Francis Ford Coppola 

Dream leading lady: Jennifer Lopez, Vanessa Williams 

What would you reject outright?: Porn 

Dream destination: Fiji islands. 

Person can't live without: Mom and dad 'cause they're always there. They always give me advice. 

Thing can't live without: TV 

Person idolized: My grandpa. He's got Parkinson's disease; he's had it for 30 years but he's still fighting. He was in the Bataan Death March--he survived that, he's tough. 

Person he wants to meet: There's so many. I want to meet Billy the Kid, the notorious gunslinger. I wish I could live in the 'wild west,' be a gun-toting outlaw. 

What's your idea of heaven? Sitting on the beach with all my friends, have no watches, no time and not have to do anything. 

Religious?: Something like that. We used to go to church, but my parents never forced us. Just Easter and Christmas, really. 

Dream date: At a beach with warm water that isn't too salty. Or in a gondola at the canals in Venice with the guy singing, ''When the moon hits your face like a big pizza pie, it's amore.'' 

Turn-ons: Smart, athletic, funny, someone who can withstand my personality, someone who I don't have to explain a movie to, someone game for anything, ''Want to go out of town? Let's go!'' 

Turn-offs: Dummies. You don't have to be smart, smart, just streetsmart. Heavy make-up 'cause you don't know what's underneath. One morning it could be like, ''Who are you? What are you doing here?'' 

Non-negotiable: She has to be able to look me in the eye and really talk to me. 

Fetish?: I'm a leg guy and ankles, you gotta have cool ankles and calves. 

Pet peeve: When I go to a movie with somebody and I have to explain everything. They're sitting right next to me and I haven't seen the movie. It's like, ''Look, we're both watching this, I've been here just as long as you. Watch the movie.'' And by the time I'm done saying that, I'm going ''OK, what happened?'' 

Frustrations: Being told to stay still. Can't nobody hold me down. And when my CD player doesn't work. 

What do you like about yourself? My way of rolling over things and having things roll over me. Everyone's worried, and I'm like, 'Why?' Why not just move on? 

What do you dislike about yourself/would like to improve on? 

Listening, and learn how to speak Tagalog. 

Fave body part: My hands, 'cause they're big and good for a lot of things 

Most embarrassing moment: I gave my girlfriend the same gift two years in a row. I'm not a kind of person who buys things for someone, and I don't expect it either. I'm not a material stickler. 

Most memorable date: It was a double date with my friend. We were like, ''If these girls really like us, then they won't dislike what we're gonna do.'' So we took them to a dollar movie and Taco Bell. And they didn't care. My friend and I were like, if we can find a girl who wouldn't complain about that, then she's a winner. 
Too bad she had big ankles.

KC Montero's giant vault
Tessa Mauricio

“I’m a rookie moving into novice,” was KC Montero’s humorous yet undeserved description of his performance as one of the hosts of GMA 7’s Sunday noontime show “SOP.” On the contrary, since his arrival at the GMA Studios last September, many have noticed the new energy and vibrance that this 21-year-old Fil-Am had brought to the show. Whether he is just standing beside a statue of Darth Vader – as he did last Sunday – or playfully teasing Regine Velasquez during one of her song numbers – as he did weeks ago – KC emanates an endearing naughtiness which makes the girls swoon and the guys shake their heads in disbelief, as if to wonder “how does he get away with it.”

The answer is that KC Montero “gets away with it” because he really is an “angel behind a devilish smile,” as he puts it. He is a real gentleman who has never used his popularity to date a string of girls. In fact, KC reveals that in his entire stay in the Philippines, not once has he dated a girl by himself. He would only go out in groups with his small number of trusted friends. 

“My mom and dad raised me well,” he said proudly, “They told me if you ever treat women badly, they’re all gonna go against you.” 

This is what KC keeps in mind now that he does have women of all ages throwing themselves at him. He only used to see such pandemonium where his brother Troy Montero was concerned, but he draws the same attention today wherever he goes. 

There is however, no competition among the Montero boys. KC was genuinely happy for his brother’s success in the Philippines which was the reason why he came to visit late last year. He only wanted to see Troy “in action” but the showbiz bug had bitten him as well. KC was tapped to do commercials – one for Coke and another for Ivory – after which he found himself on the runway, modeling for some of the country’s top couturiers. Eventually, GMA 7 spotted him and convinced him to join the roster of hosts at “SOP.” 

To say that KC is always energized is an understatement. He wakes up in the morning only to find himself restless. 

If KC’s face is like a chameleon, then this personality is just about the same. He easily adjusts in any environment without much effort. Suffice to say, he quickly “got the hand” of being a variety show mainstay, so to speak, but he feels that there is plenty of room for improvement. 

“I can forget a whole dance right before it happens,” he laughed sheepishly, “The singing isn’t quite so bad ‘cause it’s not choreographed and I can do what I want. 

As can be seen, KC does take his work seriously. He makes sure he knows his weak points and tries as best he can to improve them. He actually has every episode taped so he could see his weekly progress – and yes, progress he has made. KC effectively fulfills his duties in the segments given to him each week. “Paparazzi” is one of these segments where KC and the rest of the younger boys in the show serenades a lucky girl from the audience. He is also part of the many production numbers prepared by the cast where he gets to dance with groups such as Kids at Work, the Abstract and the SOP Dancers. 

KC is very happy with his new found life and career here in the Philippines. For starters, it took him out of his daily manual labor as a construction worker in the States. 

More importantly, however, this experience has opened KC to many discoveries about himself. He may not be a very good singer but he can carry a tune to garner people’s applause. He may not be a very good dancer but he certainly beats his brother Troy – a ballroom dancing aficionado – with his natural hip hop moves. He may talk a bit too fast at times but he does show articulacy in his interviews, whether he converses with local or foreign artists in the show. 

“I’m proud of what I have accomplished – I’m proud that I have two shows,” he stated humbly, referring to a GMA sitcom, entitled “Beh Bote Nga.” “I wanna prove myself to the people that doubt me here and back home, who don’t think that I have what it takes to be on top. I have a lot of things inside me that I haven’t quite let out yet. But there’s a big giant vault in me that’s just waiting to explode.” 

There sure is KC Montero. Your friends and fans will be waiting for that to happen, and when it does it will certainly be one huge explosion. Keep up the good work.

By Ginggay P. Joven

KC Montero perfectly fits the typi-cal Filipina image of the ideal male: maginoo pero medyo bastos. Funny as it may sound, a lot of girls adore guys who are not only good-looking, smart and kind; but also possess a certain naughtiness, goofiness and sarcastic wit. (That sarcasm is very evident, especially when he utters comments such as, "My mission in life is to rule the world and everything in it," or "I'm a brain surgeon out to rack people's brains!")

So, can you just imagine how easy it was for 21-year-old, Seattle-born KC Montero, who is 6'2", brown-eyed and boyishly charming, to become one of Manila's showbiz heartthrobs. He can go sporty and young-looking outfitted in his loose hip-hop outfits with his trademark inverted cap. But he can likewise look squeaky clean and formal when he wears his well-ironed slacks and crisp-looking long-sleeved shirts. 

His brothers Troy and Kolby are also in the limelight. Troy is now a popular movie actor and a host of a weekly dancing show, while Kolby is a familiar face on several TV. commercials. These Montero brothers have quite a gene pool! Their father is American and owns a real-estate company in Seattle, while their mother is a Filipina who grew up in Texas.

Today, KC is not only making women scream when he dances on his regular live Sunday afternoon show SOP, his face is also all over school girls' notebooks and book covers. And the "Am-boy" who used to be a construction worker back home is simply enjoying it.

"I won't deny I like the attention. I miss my family, best friends and cold weather, but that's okay. I just really like pleasing people, and making them laugh and shout. I goof around with them often. If they pinch me, I pinch them back. I smile all the time. I even chase them sometimes."

But he can be serious! A typical Gemini, he can be crazy one minute and instantly pensive the next. And he always contradicts himself -- which confuses him as much as it does his friends. He narrates, "I choose not to show my serious side much because why be serious when a funny person is much more fun to be around? Usually, at the start, I'm shy, but it doesn't take me that long to come out of my shell."

A natural prankster, KC pulls off the craziest antics and funniest comments. He always has hilarious ideas and can't stop engaging in adventures. KC explains, "I like to have fun. I try to be the life of the party all the time but sometimes, that gets me into trouble, especially now that I'm a public figure. But I like being the center of attention. Everything I do is wacky. I used to do a lot of naughty things in school."

But realizing the responsibilities of being in the public eye, he knows that he has to be more careful. KC recalls, "I've actually toned down since I got here, but I can't hold back on things I naturally want to do. I do everything hard. People say I'm so reckless because I crash all the time. I don't really care, that's the way I am. I used to crash on roller blades, motorcycles, snow boarding and surfing. I'm not an angel and I never said I was. I'm not the one who said I was a good kid. I'm me and I'm not really in the mood for big changes."

But the changes in his life have been big, nevertheless, although he opts not to mind the cultural differences. It's been a pretty easy adjustment for KC, who finally decided to stay in Manila after three prior visits. He points out, "People are the same everywhere. Kids are the same -- we're all regular and normal youngsters. I never really tried so hard to get into Filipinos' heads. I like them for their company and I'm not one to make judgments on how they live their lives. They grew up here, that's the way they are and I'm not about to say anything because they were like that even before I got here."

Now on his own and hundreds of miles away from home, KC is just learning to do his own laundry, cook his own food and budget his own money. Sarcastically, he smirks, "The biggest lesson I've learned being if Manila is that you really need a washer and dryer!" 

"But seriously," KC continues, "My mom and dad are just beaming because I'm supporting myself. I don't need them anymore. I miss them a lot, but here I'm free. Yes, I lived by myself in Seattle, but I could always go home and steal food from them, borrow their car or ask money if I needed it. But here, I can't do that now."

Such freedom has allowed KC enough time for work such as rehearsals, out-of-town shows, modeling, hostings and other showbiz engagements; time to enjoy with friends playing basketball and PlayStation; and time for himself just sitting and bumming around. And time for "the girl"?

Bashfully, KC smiles, "I don't have one. Actually, I miss calling someone `baby' and having someone to hold on to. I'm really a sucker for love. I've had my share of heartaches and I've done my fair share, too. But that's the way it goes."

Interested girls can take note of KC's list of turn-ons. Number one, she's got to be Filipina! Although he spent most of his growing-up years in the States, KC likes the conservative nature of Filipino women. He smiles, "Filipinas are what I like. I don't know why. I just prefer them more -- physically and because they're just all fine women." Although he generally goes for laid-back females, KC's also very open to dating all types. 

KC continues, "A woman that takes the initiative is not really a turn-off. But when I look deep into them I wonder what they really want. Just like every guy, I don't want a woman who's fake.

"What turns me on? Humor -- she has to be able to talk with me and have fun no matter what. I also want someone who doesn't want things planned all the time. If she wants us to go somewhere, we'll go somewhere. Or we can just stay at home and watch TV."

As for turn-offs, KC is quick to say, "I dislike airheadedness, bragging, jealousy -- and little tiny things that produce a chain reaction of arguments. She would have to understand that I have guy friends, too, who call and it's male thing that I've got to go with the boys sometimes. She's got to be cool and not try too hard."

KC admits to being a love slave -- doing everything and anything for a girl. "True love is my greatest indulgence," he muses. "I'll really spend anything for a girl. I want to believe I'm a truly romantic guy to someone very special. I don't remember birthdays, anniversaries and important dates but if ever I have the urge, I just give things. And the girl asks me, `What's this for?' My only answer is, `I don't know... just because.' I'll sneak out of my house and run about two miles in the snow to my girlfriend's house -- I do funny things for love. But I have no one to do that for now." 

And don't all girls just love that? 

The New Stars of MTV ASIA
By Jvm Francisco 

Donita. Jamie. Sarah. Shannen. Sonia. Utt. Francis M. 

No, they are not part of Lou Bega's litany of Mambo No. 5 beauties. They are the current crop of MTV Asia's video jockeys or VJ's ruling the music video waves of television. They are sleek, witty and good-looking. They are also idolized by millions of eight- to 25-year-olds who have access to cable television from the Philippines, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.

It is not surprising, therefore, that when MTV Asia announced the search for a new VJ last August through the MTV VJ Hunt, over a thousand (1,007 to be exact) young hopefuls from the Philippines enlisted. A rigid three-month screening pruned down the entries to eight outstanding and accomplished finalists: stage, TV and film actress Lara Fabregas; theater actress and model Belinda Panelo; TV host and commercial model Mark Nelson; model, TV host actor KC Montero; radio newscaster Chinggay Andrada; events promoter Chris Dimaano; radio DJ and TV host Mo Twister; and TV host and reporter Reena Cruz.

All of the eight young finalists are accomplished in their respective fields of work. All of them have the looks that are ideal for television. All of them are great communicators. They were indeed a good batch of finalists; in fact, the best batch compared to the other finalists from VJ hunts in other Southeast Asian countries, according to the Singaporean MTV representative.

So it must have been real tough for the board of judges to choose a winner during the finals night on December 10--the night of the great Luzon black-out--at Ratsky's Malate. 

Presumably the criteria included personality, looks, ability to communicate and the special x-factor that one exudes through the boob tube. Before the announcement of the winner, the program hosts, MTV VJs Donita and Shannen, asked the capacity crowd who they think the winner was going to be. The crowd shouted various names, attesting to the tough competition the judges were faced with. In the end they decided to choose not one but two winners, to the delight of the crowd.

So beginning January 2000, Belinda Panelo and KC Montero will join the ranks of the popular, much admired and super cool VJ's of MTV Asia.

Admittedly, they are good choices. Both VJs express themselves well; both are very good looking; both have a bubbly sense of humor, and both are down-to-earth and unpretentious.

Belinda grew up in the United States to an American mother and Filipino father. At 16, she decided to move out of her parents' house to live on her own and work full time. "I guess I was being rebellious and wanted to see what would happen. I worked like a horse," she states as a matter of fact. Belinda worked as manager of several retail stores in the U.S. "Now that I look back, I'm really thankful for what I have done. It made me become a more responsible person and taught me the value of money," she adds.

When Belinda moved to the Philippines where her father had relocated, she busied herself with acting in stage plays and doing commercial modelling. She became a familiar face when she did the popular Coke commercial as the bridesmaid who caught the eye of the groom. And who wouldn't give Belinda a second look? Boyish with her cropped hair, she nonetheless possessess fine feminine features, flawless skin, a svelte figure and a disarming smile.

KC also grew up in the United States and recently tried his luck in the Philippines, following the footsteps of elder brother Troy who is a TV host, movie actor and commercial model. At age 21, KC has made a name for himself appearing in television dramas, hosting some TV shows and doing commercial modelling. Tall, handsome and always wearing his trademark baseball cap, KC has his own set of adoring fans. Recently he was nominated for 1999's Best New Personality at the Star Awards, proof that he was indeed headed for stardom.

So why join the search when things are getting brighter? "Because being an MTV VJ is like the next level. It's something that would be easy for me to do. I know a lot about music and I don't have to act or anything. It would be just natural for me," KC explains. 

He did not expect to win though. "Because I didn't know what they were looking for. Truthfully. If they were looking for a crazy guy, a guy who can't sit down and stay still, then I'll probably have a good chance."

Belinda did not expect to win either. "The judges asked me who I think would win. I said, `I think KC will win.' And they said, `You don't think you're gonna win?' I replied, `No, but if I win that would be cool. But I still think KC will win.' He is really popular with the crowds. He's got the look. He's not afraid to be the way he is--very hyper and makulit. And he doesn't apologize for that. He's just like that and never tries to change the way he is."

Belinda and KC will be hosting some of the regular shows of MTV Asia which will expand their operations in the Philippines. Unlike Donita who works in Singapore, they will be based in Manila where production work will be done.

Asked what type of shows they would like to host if given the chance to choose, KC opted for an MTV rap music or R&B show. Belinda suggested a home movies show that would showcase amateur videos sent in by televiewers.

If you're wondering how a home video show would fit in a music television channel, MTV worldwide is now fast becoming a lifestyle channel for the youth. Belinda informs us, "In the U.S., it's not music videos anymore. The last time I was there a couple of months ago, I watched MTV and it was mostly shows--soap opera types, games shows, cartoons, real world shows."

These shows--which are made specifically for the youth--naturally shape their way of thinking, dressing and doing things. MTV Asia has a show entitled It's My Life which features on camera the actual life experiences of seven young individuals from Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore. This show has become extremely popular among viewers who seem to be fascinated with how young people actually spend their time in the real world.

KC explains further, "MTV is a worldwide phenomenon. It's the most influential music channel. The youth look to it as a guide. Their parents watch it to see what their kids are doing." Belinda adds, "It's a reflection of what's going on now."

Being a VJ therefore carries with it a built-in responsibility as a role model for the youth. The tons of letters that MTV receives from all over Asia through the MTV Most Wanted show illustrates this point. Adoring fans would often write how much they like Sarah's sense of humor, Donita's good looks, Sonia's way of dressing or Jamie's crazy antics.

"Being a role model is perhaps something that will inevitably be there, but MTV hired me for what I am so it would be difficult for me to constantly put unnecessary pressure on myself to be on my best behavior all the time," Belinda explains. 

"We're not going to hold anything back from our normal lives. I think they wouldn't have hired us if they didn't know what they were getting. They saw us from the start; they've hung out with us; they've partied with us a little bit," KC stresses.

What the two are as their own persons is perhaps what clinched the hunt for them. They both lead simple, clean lives. They are both homebodies and prefer cooking and playing with their dogs to night-outs and parties. Belinda lives with her Filipino boyfriend while KC shares a flat with brother Troy.

Both are sports enthusiasts. KC loves to play basketball, baseball, football, billiards, snow boarding and did wrestling from second grade until high school. Belinda plays tennis regularly, does scuba-diving and roller-blading when the opportunities arise, and loves to dance. They both love many types of music R & B, rap, pop, rock and alternative.

No doubt about it, Belinda and KC will live up to the challenge and succeed as MTV VJ's. They're both determined and raring to go. And like the new exciting music videos that are featured on the show MTV Fresh, Belinda and KC will surely be like a breath of fresh air in the music waves of MTV Asia

For more info on KC Montero, check out his profile on MTV Asia's Website!

If you'd like to add your KC Montero website here, feel free to sign my guestbook and I'll be glad to exchange links with you! Mabuhay!