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Imperial Romulan Fleet


The largest and most powerful of Romulan spacecraft, first detected in late 2364 by the Federation in the first Romulan meeting in 53 years. Nearly twice the length overall of a Galaxy-class Federation starship, this vessel used an artificial quantum singularity to power its warp-drive system. Decks are lettered and sections numbered; some quarters are on C deck; Launch Bay 3 is on Deck E, Section 25. It carries at least three shuttlecraft areas, known as "Launching Bays." Even through a cloak, warp signature may be detected at speeds above warp 6.

Romulan warbirds have also been spotted in the following instances:

— An unspecified Romulan warbird bent on destroying Deep Space Nine and the wormhole as a catastrophic Dominion defense was detected while cloaked thanks to the temporal waves emitted by its quantum singularity power source, O'Brien's radiation poisoning and his time-shifting which results. — Tain is headquartered on another one that was the flagship of the joint covert Obsidian Order/Tal Shiar attack on the Founders homeworld in 2371; it found Constable Odo and Garak's Runabout near Unefra III. — A Romulan warbird was used as an adversary in Tuvok's Maquis boot camp battle simulation.

Battle Cruiser

The Romulans used this Klingon-style ship during a short alliance between the Klingons and Romulans in 2268.

Science Vessel

In 2368, this kind of ship was used to test an experimental interphase generator-based cloaking device. The ship's warp core malfunctioned during the test, but the Enterprise-D helped it return to Romulan space.

Scout Ship

Vessel which Admiral Jarok fled the military he distrusted when defecting in 2366. Another one returned Lieutenant Worf from Carraya IV to the Starship Enterprise on stardate 46759.2.


Senator Vreenak used one of these small crafts to travel to Deep Space Nine.

Bird of Prey

Romulan warship of the 23rd century used to test Federation fighting tactics and technology during the 2266 Romulan incursion. It could not use shields or weapons whenever cloaked. Its underside revealed its namesake: a huge, wingswept predatory bird design.
