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Dear Journal

This is my offial journal... of course I do not plan on recording anything personal, it will be more like a daily/weekly/whenever-I-get-around-to-it recording of events. I will only tell of interesting things of course. It will be somewhat like my annual Christmas Letter. Recievers of this will know what I am talking about, and you will all soon discover. It is really just a letter that tells good times and rambles randomly about things you all pretend to care about, and it also has shout-outs. This will be kinda like this. I will include new updates in the site and cool things to look at. I'm sure you will all appreciate knowing what I do each day ... 'cuz I am such an interesting person. *wink* Ok, well enjoy! ~'Rous

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Saturday, April 10, 2004
Dear Journal,
Well, I have not too much to say today since i basically told you everything I needed to/my lif story in the introduction thinger. Meh! I shall continue for those who care to read it. Well tomorrow is Easter Sunday, the day the Easter Bunny comes to hide eggs and chocolate in our homes. I personally have always prefered the chocolate to eggs, unless they are alreay scrambled. yum :)Does the Easter bunny still visit y'all? Lol, or am I the only one with siblings young enough to believe all that stuff? Either way, I will never forget the year I discovered the Easter Bunny was simply my dear daddy-o. I was too excited to sleep so I came downstairs around 3:00AM. It was then that I saw my sweet father hidding all of our chocolate behind picture frames, in shoes at the front hall and in between books in the family room. I instantly started bawling and yelling at my dad. Funny how quickly you can get someones attention when you yell out, "Daddy ate the Easter Bunny!" I was only 6. Since then my dreams of meeting the real Santa, the Tooth Fairy and a Leprachan have all crashed and burnned. Oh well theres always God to believe in. *wink* Well, Happy Easter y'all!!
Ciao! 'Rous


Bobica: I hope your face crack improves. I will pick up some 4th hand Cheese Whiz to help your cheese tree that has taken resendence in your crack ... face crack that is.
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Felix: I miss you already! Come home soon!! *sob*

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Horny, Cracked and Future Dog-Raper: Thank you for your questions, I can only hope my insights were as spiritually enlightening for you as they were for me.
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Sunday, April 11, 2004
Dear Journal,
HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!! I hope the Easter Bunny was good to you all. At my house we get clothes as presents as well as a small easter egg hunt, in which my little brother (Alex) always savagely wins. Each year the clothes are set out on the fire place while we look for chocolate. Usually our clothes are like, new shorts, tank tops... something summery. When I saw what appeared to me mine the only thought that jumped into my head was, "I hope the ones for Sam." You see, Sam is my younger sister. She deserves ugly clothes... esspecially these ones. In my pile lay a pair of black pants... acceptable, and a top. A puke green, ruffely top with huge embrodered numbers. And trust me I am not exagerating. This was the kind of shirt you go into Winners just to laugh at, because you can see it through the front window at the back of the store. No joke here man. Anywhoo, so we finish "the hunt" and we all head to the fire place. Alex is handed a nice red golf shirt, Sam two pairs of shorts, a pair of capris, a tee-shirt and a tank top. And I get the dreaded, hanieous shirt. To make matters worse, my mom was sitting there, grinning her face off because she thought it was "cute", "funky" and "modern". Those were her exact words when she told me to try it on for her. I cringed as I confessed... "Mom, it might be a little bit too "hip" for me. A little more "over the edge" then I'm used to." But of course she insisted and I had to try it on. Turns out it was a completley different story once I actually got it on... It was worse. Much worse. The fabric was too think, and the sleeves were layered and ruffely and they stiching was bunched and itched my skin. It was a nightmare. No way was i going to show this to my Mother. She would like it!! And sure enough after I was kicked out of the bathroom and "snikered" at by my siblings I saw Mom. And she was speechless. "You look absolutley beautiful!" I nearly choked and died... well, that's basically how my story ends. I assume I will keep the top and it will simply collect dust until she finds the perfect function to embarass me at by forcing me to wear it. Well, that was just my morning. They day got better, AJ dropped by as usual. Can't use a phone, eh buddy? Lol, it's ok, your randomness makes me happier. While AJ was here, I left and went driving. He hung out with my brother ... yea ... I dunno about that one. I think he is better friends with my little brother than me. Meh. For supper my fam jam and I went to the Klumpp's house. "The Klumpp's" being my auntie's house. We had our little Easter dinner tonite. It was yummy. :) Anyways nothing too interesting today. And it will be a long and lonely night. My Sexcat is gone until Tuesday. *sniff*... and I won't be home til Wednesday. *SOB!* So I guess that means no more late night calls for a while. I don't know if I can make it. I am so used to talking for like 3 hours a night to my Sexcat. *sigh* It's sad because he will probably only miss Carole... lol, I am so lame. But I missed him from the moment I hung up with him last night. So lame. Heh, I doubt he will read this. And Nodnarb is right, this is a great help to release feelings. Who am I kidding... no one reads this junk anyways why hold back. Well, if any one cares... there are new polls and new answers posted on "Dear 'Rous." Keep your questions comming. I leave you with the words of George Micheal, "Well, I guess it would be nice, if I could touch your body. I know not everybody, has got a body like you."


All: I will be gone until Wednesday in Moose Jaw (hoo ray for that pro town!) I'm going to the spa with my family for 2 nights... please keep sending your questions and such. I will respond ASAP. Thx.

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Felix: I miss you. :( I will probly call you as soon as I get home. I discovered we are staying more nights now. And that bites. But i will talk to you soon.

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