K'Vort Class
Category: Cruiser
Phasers: 4 Disruptor Cannons
Torpedo Tubes: 2 Launchers
Length: 678.36 Metres
Width: 780.62 Metres
Height: 423.72 Metres
(Note: These measurements actually make the K'Vort larger than the Negh'Var. This seems to be yet another mistake in the DS9 Tech Manual)
Mass: 1,890,000 Tonnes
Crew: 1,500+
Max Speed: Warp 9.6
Max Cruise Velocity: Warp 7.8
The K'Vort is a B'rel scaled up by 4.3. The K'Vort is a powerful cruiser capable of taking out many vessels.
(Note: The K'Vort uses the same model on the show for production as the B'rel. The existence of two classes was used to explain why the Bird Of Prey appeared to be oversized in some episodes. This is also why the main pic on both pages is the same. Also I am lazy!)
Known Ships
IKS Koraga
IKS Pagh (Historical vessel which Commander Riker served upon, destroyed)