Hirogen Hunting Ship
Category: Hunting Ship
Phasers: Particle Beam Weapons
Torpedo Tubes: 2 tubes.
Length: Approx 150m
Height: unknown
Width: unknown
Mass: unknown
Crew: 1-2
Max Speed: Unknown
Max Cruise Speed: Unknown
Small, yet deadly these are a common site in the Delta Quadrant. Though these vessels have no shields they are covered in resilient monotanium armour. This armour was impervious to the phaser fire of the USS Voyager and makes it that much harder for targeting sensors to get a lock. The armour covers all areas of the ship much in the same way ablative hull armour covers the Starfleet Defiant Class, even the nacelles are armoured. As with many vessels of Delta Quadrant origin we do not know much about this vessel as it has only been encountered by the USS Voyager during it's historic journey home through the quadrant. When Starfleet finally moves out in the Delta Quadrant through natural expansion it will no doubt encounter these vessels again.
Known Ships
None known