Malon Garbage Scow
Category: Military Freighter
Phasers: None
Torpedo Tubes: Spatial Charges
Length: unknown
Height: 42 decks tall
Width: unknown
Mass: Carries 4 Trillion Isotons
Crew: 70
Max Speed: Unknown
Max Cruise Speed: Unknown
The Malon society produces a massive amount of theta band radiation a year as their warp cores do not recycle waste radiation. As a result these vessels are employed to dump theta radiation over a massive area of thousands of light years, even moving into areas such as the large starless expanse known as 'The Void' to dump their waste. The vessels use spatial charges as their main weapon. The weapons are similar to the depth charges employed in WWII. The charges are hard to aim and rarely strike the enemy vessel precisely, instead they explode near to the vessels, and the explosion causes the damage. The charges are extremely effective. However while these vessels are powerful they are not built for war and they not kept in a massive good state. The hull integrity of the vessels is often weak as the radiation the vessels carry weakens the hull.
Known Ships
None known