The Satuit Boat Club was founded in 1944 with a stated mission being: "The Satuit Boat Club shall be a non-profit organization, operated for the purpose of furthering knowledge and skill in handling power and sail boats while cruising, day sailing or racing; to emphasize rights and privileges under maritime law and to teach safety precautions needed to prevent accidents on or in the water; to render assistance to others in trouble on the water whenever possible." It is a club enjoyed by many of all ages. With just the right amount of facilities and services to ensure full enjoyment of the ocean, the Boat Club allows people to pursue all possible ways of taking advantage of Scituate Harbor and surrounding waters. The Boat Club is not a place where anybody really cares what one does for a living. The important questions are whether or not you got out on the water that day. And most conversations revolve around where one’s cruised, how the racing went, just how big was the fish that got away, will the weather get better or worse, how the family is, and occasionally topics involving shore side events. On any given day one will find children of all ages, from tots to teens, involved in unstructured games and play as they build life-long friendships. Thanks to the support of its varied members, we are pleased to share the Satuit Boat Club’s Junior Sailing Program with you on these web pages. See you on the water! The general class descriptions are as follows: INTRODUCTORY TURNABOUT - This class is intended for the little tykes 4-6 years old. They get a fun exposure to sailing, the water, class instruction, and the joys of messing about in boats. There will always be an experienced instructor or junior instructor on board. BEGINNER TURNABOUT - This class is for kids 6-10 or so who have essentially had little or no prior sailing experience or instruction. It is a follow up to the Introductory session as they age or a first introduction to all the joys of sailing. INTERMEDIATE TURNABOUT and OPTIMIST - These classes are for developing sailors aged 8-13+ who are able to sail unassisted. Usually they will sail in pairs (solo on optis). Emphasis will be on sailing fundamentals including boat handling and sail trim. An introduction to small boat racing will be enjoyed as well. ADVANCED TURNABOUT and OPTIMIST - This class is for the experienced turnabout and optimist sailors from 10-13+. The classes will have an emphasis on improving sailing and racing skills. BASIC 420 - This class is for experienced teen sailors who will have their first exposure to sailing 420's. They will quickly be brought up to speed on these boats and get the opportunity to learn much of the challenges and strategies involved in sailing and racing these boats. ADVANCED 420 - This class is for students who have had previous experience sailing and racing 420's. The students will get the opportunity to greatly hone their sailing and racing skills.