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2005 Tour of Slovenia Photo Album,   Page 17,   Next Page     Homepage

Monday, August 29, 2005, On the Road to Ptui
What kind of cars do they drive?Unique Pyramidal Peak in the Distance
View from Sv. Marija Church, Ptujska Gora
Sv. Marija Church, Ptujska GoraSv. Marija Church, Ptujska GoraSv. Marija Stained GlassSv. Marija Stained Glass
Spiral Stair to PulpitSv. Marija Church InteriorChoir Loft & Pipe Organ
Chicken Ornamentation on PeakView to the Northeast from the ChurchCrossing the Drava River

Page Created: September 20, 2005
Last Updated: January 4, 2008
©Copyright 2005, 2008 Gary L. Gorsha