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Mirror Timezone
MiRrOR TiMeZoNe:

A Timeline for the Mirror Universe

Most of this timeline I was able to get online here while the pictures I got over here and over there. The comments are mine...


Hey! This is Ty, one of the few people who try and not float around the Mirror Universe too much, but always seem to end up here. Hmph. Anyway, while I was here I decided to look up some times that might help out to understand why the ones here are so violent...I mean, besides the fact that this is the Mirror Universe and not all universes can be happiness and flowers and Cardassians trying to kill you. I'm sure I'll find one where Cardassians aren't attacking me or doing something remotely evil to someone. But for now, enjoy!

67 BC

Surak of Vulcan dies as an infant.

--For those who follow up on history, this means that there are no stoic Vulcans around the Mirror Universe. They continue to be the brutal and barbaic beings we all never knew and hopefully never will.--Ty

MARCH 1987

Shifts in the political climates cause NASA to be disbanded, with other nations soon following suit. Funds are redirected towards genetic research.

There was nothing good in space anyway, now was there?--Mirror Ty

Hey! No one said you could come in! Get back to your own timeline!--Ty

This IS my timeline.--MT

...oh, shut up.--Ty

APRIL 1988

The United States Department of Controlled Evolution is established. It's goal: Human Perfection through the uses of certain methods of genetic control.

Um, ow? But no one complained, so it appeared to be all good for now.--Ty

13 MAY 1990

Construction is completed on a research lab in remote Northern Arizona. Jokingly christined the Mt. Olympus Institue.

They could go for some other mythological reference besides all the Greco-European ones. Or did they just not feel like having people look up the meaning of a name?--Ty

You come with a better name.--Mirror Ty

Um...later. I'm doing this--Ty


First 'supermen' are revealed to the public. Stronger, more intelligent, and very cunning. Probably from having their genes sliced and then studied before brought out in public.


The supermen, tired of being scientific circus freaks, call themselves Olympians and then join up to take over all the world. The Eugenics Wars begin.

Is it just me, or are they starting to catch up with our universe? Or is it ahead? Behind? I'm confused!--Ty

24 APRIL 1995

Khan (yes, that Khan...well, his Mirror) seizes most of the Middle East while another Olympian, Patrick Green gives himself the title of "Colonel" and declares himself sovereign ruler of the former United States.

For those who don't know, the other Green sold out Australia to Khan and then got his name to be pretty much a soiled thing, so that anyone called a "Green" is someone who sells out Humans to non-Humans. But that's history for you.--Ty


After the deaths of 37 million people, Humanity gives up and goes to being the slaves and playthings of the Olympians.

...Hmph. Can't say much about that, now can I?--Ty

01 FEBRUARY 2000

Most of the Olympians have fought among each other and have killed each other. Khan and Green ruled Earth equally.

And if you believe that will last, you're more optomistic then Julian Bashir.--Ty

HEY!--Julian Bashir

07 FEBRUARY 2002

Green and all the members of his staff are killed in an explosion. Deemed an "accident". Khan takes over as supreme ruler of the Earth.

Told ya.--Ty


Khan orders the reactivation of the Space Program.


Singh Moonbase becomes the first permanent outpost on another planet.


Khan demands intensified efforts for the areas of space exploration and domination.

The Moonbase musta worked.--Ty


Olympus II, the first self-sufficient city in space, is completed. Inhabited by 250 people, half of which are part of Khan's Olympian Elite.


Invention of fusion torch helps to accelorate the development of fusion-powered space propulsion.

All beings who can't hold their own, beware.--Ty


Khan sends out two manned explorations, one to Venus and one to Jupiter's moons. Only the Venus one returns. Distressed by the loss of expensive equipment and Olympian manpower, Khan sends out the probe "Nomad". Another manned probe discovers traces of an extraterrestial visit to Saturn. Radio searchs for other beings in the universe start.

07 OCTOBER 2026

Evidence of extinct microscopic life found on Mars

12 AUGUST 2028

Mining for antimatter begins in the Asteroid Belt while terraforming begins on Venus.

At least they're getting a good start.--Ty


Khan establishes Olympian Solar Fleet to set out and conquer other races. A base is built on Titan

23 JUNE 2042

"Icarus" manned mission heads for Alpha Centari. Joachim, a good friend and advisor to Khan but discontent with his obsession with Olympian supremicy (not many pure-blood Olympians left), assassinated him and renames Olympian Fleet the Earth Solar Fleet. Unluckily, also sets a precedint for "How to Become Supreme Ruler".

That will come back to haunt him a little later...not the death, the precedent.--Ty


"Icarus" reaches Alpha Centari. Still under Khan's rule, they issue the ultimatum "Be conquered or be destroyed." The Centarians chose the first. Back home, Zefram Cochrane theorizes warp drive, but tries to hide the information from Joachim's croogies. Doesn't work: a spy ramsacks his lab and steals all notes.

This isn't good?--Ty


An experimental warp drive ship is constructed and tested near Pluto.

No, not good.--Ty


Alliance Code of Martian Colonies place all inhabited regions in the Sol System under Joachim's rule.


First contact with the Vulcans! Result is an instant war.


Mutual respect for the other's fighting skills create a firm alliance between Earth and Vulcan.


20 AUGUST 2073

First contact with the Tellarites occurs. They do the "Billy Goats Gruff" tactic and spill on the location of the Rigel Trading Planets in exchange for imperial immunity.

Way to save your own butts.--Ty


Alpha Centari Conference has Vulcan, Andor, Tellar, and Earth discussing strategies for invading the Rigel System.

27 JULY 2079

Invasion and conquest of Rigel Trading Planets. Rigellians are exterminated and the two planets are unihabitable for the next two centuries due to accumulated radiation from the attack.

Is it just me, or was that a stupid move?--Ty


"Napoleon" series of galactic probes launched.


Zefram Cochrane, plagued by the guilt of coming up with warp drive that allowed so many people to be killed and conquered, disappears/flees into deep space.

06 JUNE 2127

First Babel Conference establishes empire. Original "members" include: Alpah Centari, Vulcan, Tellar, Andor, Earth.


Imperial Academy opens with a first class of 300 students.

03 NOVEMBER 2144

First contact with Romulans. The offshoot of the Vulcans, they are pretty much neutral unless backed into a corner or forced to fight. The Vulcans warn the emporer to leave the Romulans alone. The emporer decides to do so.

When in doubt, listen to the Vulcans. Or, at least try to.--Ty


Empire launches "Gladiator" class vessels.

Oh my GOD, look out! It's Russel Crowe!--Ty

08 JULY 2147

Outpost One, the first Imperial fortress in space, completed.

02 NOVEMBER 2155

A Romulan outpost destroyed by the I.S.S "Constitution". Romulan mobilization begins.

Didn't the Vulcans say "leave the Romulans alone?" I thought I heard them say that about 11 years ago. What happened? You can't forget in 11 years a warning like that. It should be in writing somewhere. A memo, or something...shouldn't it?--Ty

14 OCTOBER 2159

Romulan federation and empire begin to attack each other near Rigel II

01 MAY 2162

The Romulan War ends with Romulans surrendering to Joachim's regime instead of being wiped out.

Never mind what I said. Just never mind. Urgh, they'll never learn their lessons...I mean, for about another hundred years or so...okay, never mind.--Ty

05 JANUARY 2163

Deneb becomes the 90th world to be vanquished by the empire.


World's Vanquished number up to 100.


Izar becomes 108th world.


The first intersteller lines launched. They are known as "Quantum" class. The first is called "Enterprise".

We're getting closer to recognizable stuff, at least.--Ty


Scientist attempt to trace the point of orgin of the extragalactic probe.


Joachim assassinated by Carl Warner. Warner becomes emporer, and will be crueler then his two predecessors.

Remember when I told you that the whole precedent thing would come back at Joachim? No? Too bad.--Ty


Vulcanoid civilization of Rigel chooses genocide over slavery

Either their the first to do that, or they were in the other universe.--Ty


Newly-invented agonizer aids empire in maintaining strict disciple in ranks.

Which Mirror Chekov can tell you all about, I'm sure.--Ty


"Titan" class ships prove a failure and are soon removed from imperial service.


"Singh" class vessels lauched. They are the first to achieve Warp 4.

Of course they are. They're named after Khan.--Mirror Ty

Okay, stop coming in and out. Either stay or leave.--Ty

What are you going to do to stop me?--MT

I'll think of something...--T

01 JUNE 2207

First contact with the Klingons end in a draw (well, it was more of a confrontation...). First unmanned probe is launched into a black hole because Emporer Warner thinks black holes can take you to other dimensions and, well, we do need more slaves...

04 AUGUST 2209

Movement for a Pure Humanity starts trying to make a ruckus on the media by calling for the extermination of all those "tainted" with Olympian blood. Their speeches are generally ignored.

"Oh, not the Movement again. Hey, football!"


"Vanguard" class ships launched. First ship is the I.S.S "Enterprise"


Annual Babel Conference disrupted by a represenative of the Movement, Govenor Kodos of Tarsus IV Colony. Troops attempt to arrest him, but he escapes back to Tarsus and lives in seclusion.

BA ba Bum ba ba BUM ba ba BUM! Trying out the 'Star Wars' Imperial Stormtrooper theme here!--Ty


First contact with the Kzinti Patriarchy occurs. The Kzin welcome the empire as a way of continuing their galactic conquest.

Ah, a race after their own heart! Or lack thereof.--Ty


Richard Daystrom achieves great Duotronic breakthrough, but tries to sell it to the Klingons. He is caught, tried for treason, and sent to a concentration camp on Delta Hydra VI.

JULY 2236

Daran V becomes 550th planet seized by empire.

They can't mark off the numbers like '100th' or '600th'. Nope, always the ones just before that.--Ty

JUNE 2239

Memory Alpha established as the empire's storage complex for all military intelligence, most of which was stolen from other worlds.


Govenor Kodos reappears, but goes insane and kills 5 thousand men, women and children before the troopers arrive.

In another universe...he would have done something similar...well, sometimes you can't get a break in any universe.--Ty

21 DECEMBER 2244

Empires learns of an alliance between Klingon Federation and Axanar system. Captain Garth attacks Axanar and Klingon base under construction. Four Years War begins.

A war with the Klingons. Whoda thunk it?--Ty

Stardates 1298.3-1298.5

Empire encounters Talos IV, and limps away without being able to conquer the Talosians, who are highly advanced in mental control, manipulations, and illusions. The whole system is quarantined. Enter at pain of death.

Those Talosians come in handy sometimes.--Ty

21 JUNE 2248

Emporer Warner breaks off attacks on Klingons, no longer considering the crippled Klingons a threat.

Never leave your enemy alive behind you. After all, they might stick a spear in your back.--Ty

And I'M the violent one?--Mirror Ty

It's history! Shaka Zulu learned that from his mother. Granted that was after he got a spear in the back...--T

Oh, well then I guess that works.--MT

Stardate 5233.67

Warner assassinated. The new emporer encourages the Green Slave Trade on Orion (Rigel VIII)


James Kirk assasinates Captain Pike and becomes captain of the "Enterprise". Probable that he used the Tantalus device found in a plundered lab. His first act is to destroy the rebel planet to stop uprising of Gorla. Second is to excecute 5,000 people on Vega IX to insure they retract their secession.

All in all, he's not that good of a guy, huh?--Ty

Stardate 3715.3-3715.6

First 'crossover' incident involving Captain Kirk, Lt. Uhura, Doctor McCoy and Chief Engineer Scott of the Federation ship "Enterprise" and empire ship "Enterprise". Kirk becomes famous for influencing Commander Spock to begin reforms for peace and disarmment. Transporters redesigned to prevent future reoccurances.

Under the direction of Commander Spock, who soon becomes Commander-in-Chief Spock, reforms are made and soon the empire is reformed. Unluckily, they are speedily overtaken by the Alliance, the joined forces of the Klingons and Cardassians.

Stardate 47879.2

While en route back to Deep Space Nine, Doctor Bashir and Major Kira are sent to the Mirror Universe due to an anomoly in the Wormhole. Due to Doctor Bashir's talking with the "Theta" Miles O'Brian, Terran Benjamin Sisko helps to start the Terran revolts. Doctor Bashir and Major Kira are able to return via the wormhole, but the way back to Deep Space Nine was still open.

Which leads to a great deal of trouble for everyone, most especially Sisko and Quark.--Ty


In the Mirror Universe, Benjamin Sisko, the leader of the Terran resistance, is killed. Commander Benjamin Sisko of Deep Space Nine takes his place for a few days, long enough to convince the counterpart of his dead wife, Jennifer, to join the Resistance or be killed.


Jake Sisko is taken to the Mirror Universe by the counterpart of his dead mother, Jennifer Sisko. Sisko returns to the Mirror universe to help the resistance. Jennifer Sisko killed.

Again? Ouch, poor Siskos--Ty


Mirror Universe Bariel attempts to steal a Bajoran Orb.


Quark and Rom travel to the Mirror universe to trade a cloaking device for the Alliance in exchange for Grand Nagus Zek.