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undefined Please State the Nature of the Medical Emergency

Sickbay aboard the USS Southern Cross is the primary care facility and is found on Deck Three of the saucer section.
Sickbay itself possesses one EMHN and is supposed to have at least one doctor and three nurses on duty at all times. During an emergency, Sickbay sends out several teams of Field Medics called, "Casualty Teams" to deal with medical problems on various decks. Depending on location and severity, a patient may be beamed to Sickbay or any temporary triage clinic.
Sickbay itself is a medium-sized complex that is found in the central portion of the saucer, branching out a great deal. Sickbay is designed to do all of its own research and acts as a Medical Science Lab as well. Within the complex there is also a small Morgue, an Intensive Care Ward complete with biostasis chambers and a Counseling Center. It is truly state of the art

The EMHN [Emergency Medical Holographic Nurse]
After Doctor Zimmerman's recovery from his degenerative disease, he set to work on creating the EMH Mark Five. This EMH is a serious departure from his other EMHs, for it no longer is meant to take over a Doctor's job. Rather, it acts as an assistant or clinical head. In an emergency, a EMHN could be configured to perform all the duties of a doctor. Along with a new visual matrix [based off of Doctor Kevin Rahm of the USS Utah], the EMHN has got much-improved bed-side manner and social skills. The EMHN can leave sickbay and the clinics at will, but cannot yet leave the ship.