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                            GREAT LAKES FANTAIL CLUB

                                        ROY WINKLES

                    Always missed but never forgotten

                            LOUISVILLE YOUNG BIRD SHOW

    This years show was held in memory of Roy Winkles. Below is an array of photos taken by Rick Berg. Thank you Rick on behalf of all internet fantail fanciers for the great job you did capturing this show. All pictures are thumbnails, just double click to enlarge.



WARNING:  Enlarging this picture could be hazardous to your health. .

Everyone that attended the show was a winner BUT some guys got bigger trophies than others,,,,, size,,,,,,yeah ,,,,,right

Greg Duffy, Joe Shabert, and Randy Wilson




Joe Yancey presenting Randy with his award while Joe looks on





Joe thanking Donna for raising such a good bird for him.




Rick Berg presenting the Eldon Berg Memorial Trophy to Joe. Joe was the first recipient of the special award.





Special moment for two special people. I'll fix the picture after the Dixie. I get on a plane in a few hours, so no editing time available.




Barely visible are two of the hardest working people at this show. Without Joyce Duffy (l) and Kathy Yancey (r) we would never get 300 plus birds judges in a day!!!!!!  Plus we'd have to look at the other Yancey behind the desk!!!!!



That's right ,,, look this way Joe




Below are pictures of the Schabert's Pied, Grand Champion, Randy Wilson's reserve with a white, and the Duffy's second reserve with a tailmark.....