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Lt. / Doctor Taylor Castle

Assistant Medical Officer


Rank: Lieutenant | Sex: Female | Race: Human

Height: 5'9" | Weight: 185lbs | Eyes: Green | Hair: Blonde

Home Planet: Earth | DOB: Oct. 7, 2346 | Age: 35

Married: No | Children: No

Of Note: -

Personality: Taylor is a mild-mannered officer who gets along with everyone. She loves her job and serving Starfleet. She comes from a family of Doctors and loves to read (currently reading old 20th century, Sherlock Holmes mysteries).

Personal History: Lt. Castle has been in Starfleet a long time, since she was a Junior Cadet at the age of 15. She has always aspired to be the best officer she can be.

Academy: Starfleet Academy, Command School

Major/Minor Area(s) of study:

Major: Medical
Minor: Command

Previous Assignments:
The USS Avalons NCC 3002-A and B

Awards and Commendations: None

Reprimands: None.

Honors and Decorations: None.
