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Savai N'gellin

Dyson Platoon CO

Rank: Captain | Sex: Male | Race: Risan

Height: 5' 11" | Weight: 175 lbs. | Eyes: Sky Blue | Hair: Black

Home Planet: Risa | DOB: 2350 | Age: 28

Married: - | Children: -

Of Note -

Personal Traits:
Hobbies: Despite his predilection for warfare, Savai DOES know how to relax. He plays poker voraciously, and loves Dabo equally as much. While on leave, he acquired a taste for the earth game of Baseball, which went out of style on that world over 200 years ago. But he enjoys the particulars of the game, and was fond of playing a variant of it while in basic training. Now that he's no longer in a combat situation, he may take it up again. He is also intensly active, and loves hiking. He claims to have hiked the Jaltharon peak on Risa, though it's not documented, and no one believes him.

Before the war, Savai would have been described as easy going, pleasant, cheerful, a true "bon vivant." Now, he hides behind those things as a shield from the truth: that the war changed him, as it did everyone. No longer the carefree boy of his youth, Savai now carries a weight of having taken lives, and of having seen friends' lives taken from them. He still exudes a warmth, just by imbred nature, and can be quite charming, as all Risans are. But inside, he is in agony over what he has become.

Personal History:
Savai N'gellin was born into a life of luxury on Risa. His parents, both of them wealthy politicians, raised him to a patrician set of ideals, and he never ventured out of his comfort zones until the Dominion War came. An impressionable young man, he was deeply moved when the moralists movement came through the planet, and rejected the life of luxury he'd lived in to that point. At the age of 22, he left Risa and went to the front, to volunteer in a medical capacity. His life was almost put to an end prematurely when a Jem'Hadar squad burst into the medical ward on Lya 4, killing most of the staff. To his eternal shame, he hid under a table when the shooting started, and was STILL almost killed when a Jem'Hadar soldier found him. A Starfleet marine named Sergeant Dyson saved his life in the nick of time, and took the young Savain under his wing, mentoring the boy, and was the reason N'gellin joined Starfleet in the first place.

Did not attend.

Major/Minor Area(s) of study:


Previous Assignments:

Savai enlisted in order to serve alongside Dyson. Entering the marines as a private, he strove to overcome his background and prove himself a warrior. His platoon was eventually assigned to AR-338, to guard the Dominion communications relay there. He saw the vast majority of his comrades die in that horrific siege, and was nearly killed again, but for Dyson, who once again saved the young man's life. This time though, it came at a price; Dyson took a polaron beam to the back for Savai, which killed the more experienced officer. In the end, Savai was one of only a handful to get off that hellhole. Following the siege of AR-338, he was re-assigned to a new platoon, which was stationed out of Starbase 74. Carrying an intense guilt for Dyson's death, he fought with reckless abandon, only narrowly escaping death at each Dominion encounter. But, his recklesness allowed him to accomplish things that no one else could have done, and he was quickly promoted up the ranks, until he held the rank of Master Sergeant. He was among the group of Marines who helped secure the Cardassian capital when it was surrendered, and saw first hand the attrocities committed by the Founders to the Cardassian people. While there, N'gellin was shot in the leg by an angry pro-dominion Cardassian. He spent three weeks in recovery for this, his only wound of the war. He earned the purple heart for this, though he felt it was a bit cheap. Savai requested a leave of absence following the armistice, and was granted, allowing him to revisit his homeworld. But his parents, appalled that he had taken lives, forbade him to return to his home, and declined to see him. As alone as he'd ever been, Savai wondered aimlessly, before deciding to return to the fleet. It was after all, all he had left to him. He requested to take the officer's exam, and was quickly admitted: Starfleet was short on officers in those days, and Savai was a highly decorated veteran. He passed, and was promoted to 2nd Lt., and given command of a small detachment of marines on Ibor prime. He served there for three years until a position came open as a platoon commander on Starbase 10, which he jumped at. He was admitted to the post, and transferred to assume his greatest level of responsibility yet: leading a platoon of Starfleet Marines.

Awards and Commendations:
Dominion Campaign Ribbon.

Commendations: None.

Reprimands: None.

Honors and Decorations: Federation Star, Marine Cross, Silver Star, Purple Heart
Novemeber 27, 2378: Marine Cross
