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Admiral Graf Spee Class Dreadnought

Starbase Clannad Fleet Yards
Vessel Information Database
Admiral Graf Spee Class Dreadnought

Name of Vessel: U.S.S. Admiral Graf Spee
Named After: Vice Admiral Maximilian Graf von Spee (1861-1914)
Registry: NX-121939 (the registry coincides with the date of Graf Spee's sinking - December 1939)
Classification: Though considered more of a battle cruiser, it's classified as a dreadnought

Dimensions: Identical to Sovereign
Phaser strips (7 forward, three port, three stbd, 4 aft)
Quantum Torpedo Launchers (one forward, one aft; each modified to fire 10 at once instead of the Sovereign's five)

Top Speed: Warp 9.8
Manueverability: Excellent

Developed and Built at: Starbase Clannad Fleet Yards, Reydovan System
Built: June 5, 2375-February 17, 2377
Launched: February 17, 2379
Commissioned: February 25, 2379
Number of other vessels commissioned: None

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