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SFC Underwood Project 001: Event Horizon Class Battleship

Ships in Class:
U.S.S. Event Horizon, NX-234231 (Docked at Nexus One, pending approval from Research and Development)

Length: 1200m (1.2km)
12 forward phaser strips
6 forward quantum torpedo pulse launchers
8 forward photon torpedo launchers
One forward transphasic torpedo launcher
Two Klingon heavy disruptor cannons
Two type X phaser cannons (aka assault phasers)
Three port and starboard quantum torpedo launchers
7 port and aft phaser strips
Two aft quantum torpedo launchers
5 aft phaser strips

Fighter Capability: Commander Underwood's extreme modifications to the Event Horizon included the addition of a fighter bay on the lower half of the command section. It is about the size of a Sovereign's shuttle bay and can carry thirty Eagle-class fighters.

Information: The Event Horizon was originally developed in 2039 by the brilliant yet troubled Dr. William Weir. The ship utilized a drive system called a "gravity drive", which opened a dimensional gateway to two points in space - the opening (point A) and the destination (point B). However, on her maiden flight in 2040, the Event Horizon mysteriously disappeared around Neptune. Due to the fact that the drive was a top-secret research project, the media was told that the ship had exploded when the reactor went critical.

The truth is more damning than the lies, however. In 2047, the first distress call in 7 years was received by the United States Aerospace Command. They took Captain Miller and the crew of the SAR vessel Lewis and Clark off their well-deserved shore leave and sent them out into Neptune space. Weir was the "unwanted passenger" until their arrival. Once there, Weir told the truth about the EH's mysterious disappearance, and the revolutionary drive she used. Captain John Kilpack, the EH's skipper, had ordered the EH a safe distance from Earth using conventional thrusters, and all systems looked nominal. They had the go-ahead to use the gravity drive to reach Proxima Centauri, then all contact was lost. The EH disappeared without a trace. The information after the EH was discovered by the L&C is pure speculation, but this much is fact - about four months later, the forward decks of the Event Horizon were found drifting just outside of Jupiter space. Lieutenant Starck, Engineer Justin, and Rescue Technician Cooper - the crew of the presumed-dead Captain Miller - were found alive in stasis; Justin had sustained serious injuries as a result of exposure to vacuum. Starck was said to have suffered a shock attack which was dismissed as a stasis-related side effect.

In 2397, Project Event Horizon was underway, under the direction of the brilliant technical genius, Commander Joshua Underwood. Commander Underwood found the design for the Event Horizon in the Starfleet database. He found the grisly truth through the classified logs of the EH - the ship had warped to another dimension which was rumored to be the depths of Hell, based on the the last recorded words from the Event Horizon's Captain Kilpack: "Liberate tutemet ex inferis" ("Save yourself from Hell" is the rough English translation). Seeing that there was a problem with this new drive system - which could revolutionize Starfleet warp technology - Underwood analyzed Dr. Weir's research and found that the gravity drive was indeed a dimensional gateway, but to a dimension that induced hallucinations and deterioration of subspace. So the first thing the commander did, once he received the plans for the EH, was check up the stolen Borg transwarp conduit technology and add that in with Dr. Weir's original plans for the drive.

The new Event Horizon (NX-234231) was tested in 2398 with a test of the drive from Starbase Nexus One to Earth. The results were applauded by Starfleet Command, but Fleet Admiral S'Ronn and Fleet Captain Paul Williams, Director of R&D, have yet to approve both the Underwood subtype of Weir's gravity drive, as well as the ship itself.

Event Horizon on her maiden voyage in 2398.

Commander Underwood steers the Event Horizon out of the gateway from Nexus One to Earth.

Event Horizon revisits Neptune, the place where the troubles began.....and the terror ended.

Event Horizon: Copyright 1998 Paramount Pictures.
The images used were taken from
Design Specifications: Copyright 1999-2002 Joshua Underwood.

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