Chekov, Pavel Andreievich


Mid-level Biography Brief Mode

Played By: Walter Koenig

Final Rank: Commander

Full Name: Pavel Andreievich Chekov

Serial number: 656-5827B

Year of birth: 2245

Education: Starfleet Academy, 2263-67

Marital status: Single

Starfleet Career Summary

2263 – As ensign, took first posting on U.S.S. Enterprise under Capt. James T. Kirk as navigator

2269 – Promoted to lieutenant, named security chief to Capt. Will Decker on refit of Enterprise

2277 – Assigned to U.S.S. Reliant under Capt. Clark Terrell

2285 – As commander and Reliant First Officer, witnessed Genesis incident and captain's death

2286 – Charged and cleared of theft of Enterprise a year earlier with fellow officers

Chekov was the navigator on the original U.S.S. Enterprise under the command of James T. Kirk. An only child, his youthful career was so full of brash pronouncements of Russian ethnic pride and accomplishments he became a good-natured joke among his superiors.

Although he was always a promising officer with a career to bear it out, the young Chekov was prone to hot-heated actions and romantic attachments. While attending Starfleet Academy his involvement with fellow cadet Irina Galliulin broke off when she dropped out of the service before graduation in disdain for its structure. Years later they met again when she and other Eden-seekers with Dr. Sevrin were aboard.

Following the end of his first five-year mission, Chekov was promoted to lieutenant when he was assigned as security chief aboard the refit U.S.S. Enterprise. Assigned to the U.S.S. Reliant in 2377 and promoted to commander within eight years of that, he was first officer to the ill-fated Captain Clark Terrell during the Genesis Project incident and Khan Singh's grab for it. For the next few years he remained one of Kirk's trusted officers and stood with the group in the theft of the Enterprise to refuse Spock's body and katra, and then faced the UFP Council when those charges were dropped.

Chekov suffered serious wounds when time-traveling to 1986 during an attempted escape from the U.S.S. Enterprise naval aircraft carrier when suspected of being a Soviet spy of the time. He would have died if left to contemporary medicine, but was saved thanks to McCoy and went on to help secure the Khitomer Peace Accords – followed shortly by his shocked witness to Kirk's apparent death at the christening of the newest U.S.S. Enterprise, the NCC-1701-B.

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