05-11-01 New Series Enterprise & New Captain - Bakula

A number of familiar faces are back on the Paramount lot as Enterprise, the fifth Star Trek series, proceeds through its first week of shooting.

James L. Conway, who directed numerous episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager, is at the helm of the pilot episode of Enterprise. Backing him up--as they will for every director this season--are Jerry Fleck as First Assistant Director (1st AD), and Michael DeMeritt as Second Assistant Director (2nd AD). Fleck was 1st AD on TNG and Voyager, as well as the movies "Star Trek: First Contact" and "Star Trek: Insurrection." DeMeritt was 2nd AD on Voyager.

Overseeing all aspects of production, Brad Yacobian is back as Unit Production Manager (UPM), reporting to Supervising Producer Merri D. Howard. Yacobian previously was UPN and 1st AD on TNG, and Line Producer/UPN on Voyager.

Marvin V. Rush, Director of Photography, will continue to capture Star Trek on film as he has done since the third season of TNG. Working under his aegis are Camera Operator Douglas Knapp and Chief Lighting Technician William Peets. Knapp spent several years on Voyager, and Peets has worked on TNG, DS9 and Voyager.

Multiple Emmy Award-winning visual effects artist Ronald B. Moore will be up to his old tricks again creating exciting and realistic images of the future. Moore was Visual Effects Supervisor for TNG and Voyager as well as "Star Trek Generations."

Louise Dorton moves over from Voyager as Art Director. Dorton worked her way up to that position after starting the first season of Voyager as Set Designer.

Helping the actors look their best on camera are Suzanne Westmore, Makeup Artist; Charlotte A. Parker, Hair Stylist; and Carol Kunz, Costume Supervisor. Westmore will be working for her father-in-law, Michael Westmore, as she has for the last three years on Voyager (credited as Suzanne Diaz). Parker, formerly known as Charlotte A. Gravenor, was also on Voyager for the last five years. Kunz has supervised wardrobe on each Star Trek show since TNG.

And making all the cast and crew feel safe as they work are the Set Security guys, Lazard ("L.Z.") Ward and Steve D'errico. They both were on Voyager, but L.Z. in particular has been keeping an eagle eye on things since the early days of TNG.

from startrek.com.