Terms Of Use

   Hello, and let me be the first to welcome you to Star Trek: News, Bringing the Final Frontier To Your PC!

   I don't like rules anymore than the next fellow, but I do have to lay down a few.

1. When taking an image, sound, or any other download off of my site, you may use it for your own personal use (printing it, showing it to friends), but if you wish to post the image, sound, or any other download on the internet, or put it on public display, I ask for a few things in return.

    a. If the image sound, or any other download comes from a site other than my page (there will be a link on the bottom of the page, or the image will have a tag on it from the original site) please abide by the Terms of Use of that site so that I do not recieve any trouble.

    b. If the image sound, or any other download doesn't come from another site other than mine, I ask that you put a link to my page, or give me credit wherever you place the image, sound, or any other download.

2. The same rules as posted above also apply to all text taken from my site. If the text is from my site, please give me credit, but if it comes from another site, please abide by their terms of use.

3. The images on the banner are NOT to be taken. I am not able to put the owners on the banners, so it is impossible for you, the user, to know where it comes from to give credit.

4. There will be no direct-linking to any images, sounds, or any other downloads on my site unless I am given credit or the person who made the image, sound, or download is given credit. I don't mind, however, linking to my sites home. Actually, I highly recommend it.

Thank you for taking you time to read this. Please enjoy your stay here at Star Trek: News.

Joe Davis, owner

P.S. If you have any questions, comments, complaints, or just want to say hi, you can e-mail me by clicking my name. It's posted all over the site, so it's hard to lose it. Thank you again.