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You have reached evolution into sound, music, the future and life.)

August 2016 update Most of the links to files no longer work - page here for posterity... might tidy up some of the links
Syex's UT voicepacks
30 March 2009: Thought i'd let you know that there probably won't be any more updates to this page. Most of the new stuff will be at
Xpanding Cyberspace until something better comes along. In the meantime:please help these sites

29 November 2007: New UT99 voicepacks ;-> Batman and Robin

14 October 2007: 2 new mp3's here very soon. A much needed remix of Dubtrip and an exclusive new release!

Oh... and two new voicepacks for that game that is unreal Tournament!

Watch this space.

27 February 2007: DubTrip is finished, I know I said a week... well, a month then. I'll release it tomorrow after a last test listen.

30 December 2006: Unreal Christmas! New UT2004 voicepack: Download from my other site:


19 December 2006: It's here! Download DubTrip:


29 November 2006: I've been getting emails from bogus companies telling me i've won the lottery and other scams. If you receive such emails don't fall for them! Remember the old saying' if something is too good to be true, it probably is'... er, too good to be true. Not everything mind, Dub Trip's nearly done and will be soon.
As will a UT2004 christmas present ;->

25 October 2006: Ok, it's been a while since i've made anything good including the 'Small Brother' flop, sometimes life gets in the way of creativity but i'm pleased to announce I've got my mojo back! Stand by for a new mp3 release 'Dub Trip' coming soon to Syex in Cyberspace

19 June 2006: New site, new voicepack... and an Mp3 :->

Syex Xpanding Cyberspace

20 May 2006: New tune coming soon! announced next week.

12 May 2006: New Unreal Tournament voicepack coming soon. It'll 'drive' you crazy!
And hopefully... A new Mp3!

11 April 2006: New UT2004 voicepack. It's Aida from Unreal2! Go here:   Aida Voicepack

27 March 2006: Update... er, no update. For those of you (all 7) wondering why there's been no mp3's here for a long time, it's because of the temporary accomodation i've been living in for the past three years, (unsuitable environment for a musician to say the least!). Well hopefully that's about to change as I should be moving soon. Check back late spring... I aint finished yet!

14 December 2005:
Exclusive Unreal Tournament voicepack:
I've always wanted to do this ever since 'The King' model was released for ut99 some time ago. This will probably be my last ever voicepack as I wan't to spend less time gaming and more time creating music and sound, something i'll be getting on with in 2006. In the meantime download the King of Rock and Roll for ut99.
Thank you very much!

Elvis for ut99

Voicepack now available from - you have to register with site to download.

I've run out of space,I need at least 100mb of free webspace or this site will not continue.

14 December 2005: Ok, The Unending Horizon has ended... well at least the tune has. I,ve got rid of that awful dynamic in the piano and the end sequence sounds much bigger! Check it out here: - Update August 2016 - tune removed will be remade.
The Unending Horizon v2

23 April 2005: Ok, I have a new site in progress and it is where one can find my new UT2004 voicepacks...
Ut2004 voicepacks

Older news can be found on the history page. Link below...

EX5 Stuff!
Free the weed
Stay loose baby!
The old Khan link!
The old Clint link!
The old Daleks link!
The old Scotty link!

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Please wait for the pages to load, especially the voicepack page... and beware the spyware!

Please help keep me going. It isn't easy living in a world based on money, especially when you're on a shoestring. Thanks.
Also make sure the pop-up blocker is turned of temporarily or the paypal page wont pop up. Cheers